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Everything posted by prithwin

  1. if this continues,it will prove that a fad don't last long.
  2. all you can do is wait my friend
  3. you mean gif images....?? www.fightersgeneration.com
  4. avidemux is a freeware that can do that get it here http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/download.html if you have a linux installation -cat file1.avi file2.avi >file.avi -then get "mencoder" $mencoder -forceidx -ovc copy -oac copy file.avi -o joinedfile.avi
  5. there is a bug in sdlmame....no sound if you choose the option "load another game" from the in game menu where do i report this
  6. free software 4 eva!!!!
  7. hey man,i went to your youtube channel and i cant see the links on top..like videos | favorites | playlist etc.
  8. sh4 was awesome
  9. has anybody tried this..the ubi account was free at least
  10. oh i had a list of fav sites that i went to but they are not providing the Nintendo roms anymore..Google searches are worthless cause they take you to these sites which ask you to vote for them in loop
  11. that reminds me,how come it has suddenly become really tough to download SNES games from rom sites they all say that it is forbidden to be shared.I think Nintendo folks did something.
  12. hey, has anyone of you actually finished the game in hard getting the "escape" ending.i've tried everything i walked all the way back to the forest world to get the --pickaxe of despair-- .healed Eileen Galvin with three candles...still i can't beat Walter before Eileen walks to her doom...the walkthrough says you can, but again some other walkthrough said that you can defeat Xaero in nightmare
  13. you forgot image manipulation-GIMP http://www.gimp.org/
  14. how about the powerpuff girls ..they could be just like ken ryu and akuma in marvel vs capcom
  15. i have this usb gamepad .its made by a local company that none of you would have heard of. it came with the drivers for windows but not for linux.i want to do a complete linux migration so i want this gamepad to work so that me and my bro can play vs.is there a generic usb driver that i can use for this ...its a 12 button(1Dpad 2,analog pads jus like playstation) gamepad and works with almost all windows games.
  16. i still cant afford a ps2
  17. hahahaa im i hindu living in india...and in this country pandits never read prayer in english or from a peice of paper
  18. as soon as i saw that 70 min i set the frameskip to 10 if the games become faster so should this..dont know for sure
  19. i jumped from my seat when i looked out of the keyhole in the apartment and the neighbor also was looking inside.that was a big shock
  20. this gamevideos.com sucks man...the video is buffering for 10 min to play just a 3 sec video ..but the advertisements dont buffer at all
  21. i hope they release it for PC as they released sh3 and sh4.and i hope the narration is more like silent hill 4 cause i liked that game more.
  22. Command lists for various fighting games. does this make executing zangief's moves in sf any easier??
  23. what is command.dat
  24. thank you is there a way i can search for people who have less then 10 posts so that i can kick their asses
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