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Everything posted by fischju

  1. Just make sure you have AGP. Some budget pcs dont
  2. what other good GC homebrew is there? and i wonder how easily a GC modchip could be adapted...
  3. if you've survived this long on onboard, a $100 card would be more than enough. But i doubt you have pci-e but probably have AGP. newegg.com is very cheap for everything
  4. Super Smash Brothers Brawl <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ......S for Super, next S for Smash, wtf is the M for. He was making fun of the bad spelling i presume
  5. pirating is alot bigger then drugs for the $$$
  6. just get a supercard then you wont have to buy any games! but have a good selection, at least one game from every genre. i have Metroid Prime Hunters Kirby Kanvas Curse Snow Board Kids Mario Kart Lunar Dragon Song Castlevania Dragon Ball Z Advance Wars and some others
  7. the ds has 4mb or ram doesnt it..? and the m3 32mb or something?
  8. You've read the Einstein letter?
  9. yea. stop bashing A.F.I.
  10. you should listen to their older stuff if you want real punk rock, their first 3 albums were really hard
  11. Where i live we dont excatly have that problem...the 2 nuclear plants within 50 miles of me kinda keep the town powered
  12. Punk rock band from California. If you look at my sig you will see a quote from a song
  13. wow. go you. my big, hopefully lucky, day is July 8th when i go se A.F.I. in Chicago. I've been saving up my karma and am hoping to cash in big time
  14. i tried playing, always get "agent errors"
  15. Japan is kinda.....well some traditions are dumb. the USA puts more into its military then anybody else, and when something big happens, like when the USA nuked Japan before Japan had a working bomb, all the scientists working on it killed themselves...not a good way to progress
  16. idk i bet sony has some lasers hidden somewhere
  17. We are saving the big tech for a fight against korea or china. its like the Wii controller, the later you announce it and the less details you give the more time it will take for somone to copy it
  18. did you know that the US spends more on our military then all the other countrys combine and we probably had this tech 20 years ago and is still top secret? but this is still pretty cool
  19. do you need probably cause in sweden?
  20. take off the case and put it up to a window when the wind is blowing =) thats what i used to do before i got my giant fan from the 80s
  21. go you. are you gonna reformat despite your victory? it can only make your pc faster
  22. It has been You just need to check out your local torrent site But I get it before it hits those sort of sites. And I get a valid CD key <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh yea i just saw that....i wasnt reading the file names right, more are just vista themes for xp though
  23. there is an app that can download source of a site but i forgot what......and DSOrganize is finished for now isnt it?
  24. i hate you so much....why hasnt the beta been pirated!?!?
  25. cant wait for vista....
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