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Everything posted by fischju

  1. you can change sensitivety
  2. or you could look at......the chick who plays lara croft...angelina jolie(?)....
  3. ouch....should'ave flashed it =\
  4. the ac:ww keyboard is great because the qwerty goes screen to screen, as long as those are in their spots the other buttons can be wherever
  5. and how much is this gonna be cropped? the psp screen isnt exactly square
  6. the camera jsut happens to be recording....
  7. woo....what are you building it in? devkitpro? i jsut got a book on c and it will take me 2 or 3 weeks to memorize it (and the way you make progress that remarkebly fast) so i might be able to help
  8. aaw comon man.......any progress at all?
  9. I dont know if he already has an account here but Alias-Zero needs help.....He is making HelloDS ya know? He has a gui but i doubt he has ANY idea on how to implement wifi...he has been procrastinating for months now http://www.ghzsystems.com/azero/hellods/news.php
  10. Shweet.......
  11. I think the main improvement next should be the signal strength....it should go to 0% when out of range because it confuses me when it stays and a certain percent
  12. Yes. Edit: Or a Dongle
  13. How about a list: Favorite SNES games that work with SNES DS Super R Type Super Mario World Inspector Gadget some others idk
  14. oh yea lol SD....Only SD compatible homebrew will work
  15. I hate you so much right now
  16. you bumped this topic for seamingly no reason, and im not even gonna get into the fact that there is pda software homebrew because somebody will post that because they think they are smart
  17. Yes, but only SD compatible homebrew would work. I dont know if the standard gbamp os would work though.
  18. i have a gbamp, i like that idea
  19. how much ram would something like this use......i bet if you got the right format fiels could be sent faster than they are played and the rest can be buffered
  20. go you....my router is broken...
  21. aaw crap im already torrenting a game
  22. but then you have to worry about bandwidth
  23. wow they are holding on to the rights a liltte to long.....
  24. I go to the source to download videos from newgrounds so i can convert them for moonshell.
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