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Everything posted by fischju

  1. wow, the progress is amazing
  2. are retail roms still illegal?
  3. speed is the only thing im worried about, i love to play emulated N64 games on my pc and controll with my ds
  4. Moonshell is 1.0 now and there is an sdk for plugins.....
  5. i like looking at extremely disporpotionate girls.
  6. streaming video is a good idea though
  7. man, i can get vi to work
  8. well, i think this can only help ds emulation provided that the makers of dualis or ideas or something use the code
  9. i dont know but....do u think it will ever play commercial roms good? legal ones, like if we dumped em ourselves
  10. im so sending that to this blond i know....
  11. yea, any update woudl be helpfull
  12. i get that alot when a rom faisl to load and i hole select to go to the menu the next tiem i turn it on, its not dust, but i do have to take it out and put it back in for it to work the ruble pack from mp:p is an option pack, so will the ram
  13. GmailFS! =0!soo sweet
  14. yea....sintax, whatcha workin on?
  15. u guys know its only text right? the original post by chrism is linked ot in the wiki, thats what i used
  16. yea i need that option
  17. check the wiki for setting up wifi
  18. *please move if in wrong forum* ok, Im new and im starting to get mad. I've searched for about an hour now and this is what i can gather: The TI85 emulator (from davr) only works on flashcards because its ds.gba. Current ds.gba to .nds tools wont work because it wasnt compiled with ndstool I have the originial files from davr, a ds.gba that i made, ndstool, what seems to be an arm9 bin that i found with some other files, and the dumped rom I want to know if there is anyway i can compile the file so it can be converted to .nds or if i can compile it directly to .nds Believe me, i've looked
  19. actually, trying to use the M3 ram and the cart in it as program ram would be harder that just using the cart as ram
  20. ok. the ram gba cartridge is in the gba slot so you cant run homebrew with it inserted. most cf's or sd's arnt nearly fast enough to be used a ram if you convinced the browser that the official cart was inserted instead of your M3 or GBAMP
  21. reformat it. always works for me.
  22. most of the time when i accidentally set the ds ip to my pc ip, it boots my pc off the network and i have to restart
  23. i called my isp and told them to give me the dns servers i shoudl use, and they did.
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