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Everything posted by PickleHead

  1. Come on somebody has to have a link to it... This sucks...
  2. I need the latest version of ds2key ASAP... :/
  3. and you've been engadgeted (is that a word?) http://www.engadget.com/2006/03/06/pointyr...nc-for-your-ds/
  4. How taxing is it to decode ogg?
  5. It's always something isn't it! I guess you'd just have to find a balance between the two...
  6. Then again you could have a server program that decodes the mp3 and then sends raw data or something to the ds.
  7. I like the name pointyremote
  8. just noticed a small annoying bug, it types out 32 if you press cancel on the keyboard.
  9. also one thing I'd like to note, is whenever I first start the program, my m3 boot menu shows up on half the screen and is garbled on the bottom until I hit A or B to update it. Also I get a garbled screen when I come out of text mode.
  10. It also only shows one monitor for me, maybe the other guy who had it working has his dual monitor setup on SPAN instead of 2 seperate devices? *anxiously awaiting next release*
  11. the second program will have trouble opening the port if the first one is alraedy using it.
  12. winamp > WMP > iTunes XD btw I'll make a winamp setup tomorrow (for playing videos) aaaand, I'm new here, my account just got active!
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