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Öhr GmbH

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Everything posted by Öhr GmbH

  1. i hope i see a media library and a playlist in near future ahh and: great app! maybe you could add a option with streaming to DS(like sylphamp does). pc speakers, ds speakers or both! would be cool!
  2. Öhr GmbH

    Rumble Pack

    you mean emulation a gamepad instead of a keyboard emulation? i hope to see this soon!
  3. Please HELP! My Nintendo DS Lite cant use WiFi anymore. It crashs in the WFC Setup when i select Look for AP. Even the Wifilib v0.3 rom does not find any AP(but it do not crash). I tried the WFC Setup in MK DS(i own this game) and in Metroid Prime(rom). Both with the same result. even download play or anything like this do NOT work! In Metroid, when i Select Singelcard-Play, a Warning appears and says: Wireless transfer is not possible. After that, i get to the main menu. I own a Nintendo DS Lite (Black Europe Edition) and flashed it with FlashMe v7(Lite edition). Before i began flashing, a warning appeared and told me, that this firmware version is unknown. Ahh, jeah, i allready tried reflashing my lite(with stealth and normal one) without a change! Please HELP ME! what can i do??!?!?
  4. Öhr GmbH

    Rumble Pack

    ds2key is small enough to fit into the nds ram, so we can take out our flashcard. then we have a empty GBA slot. how about putting the gba rumblepack of metroid pinball in it to use the Force Feedback of some games? Is it possible? Maybe this was allready requested, but i didnt find a matching titel about this in this subforum....
  5. undressing
  6. i dont believe this, because: - why should a porn site buy a homebrew emulations site? - wheres the mainpage? if would buy this kewl site, i would put a good looking logo and something other on the mainpage( http://www.1emulation.com/ ) - why does the admin and the stuff still have old content(consoles, selling pages,....) content in their signature? - why are they still the same admins? if its a completly new site( i mean something other as a emulation site), there will be new admins and staff... - why im still registered on this board? - did the pornsite bought the invision board? i hope thats not true <{POST_SNAPBACK}> - Were shall be updating the url sometime within the next 24 hours - We changed it obviously - I love my powers - We love our powers - Because you still are - Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> - thats the end of 1. april - i see - i dont have a signature - yeah and im still a member - omfg! im still registered! *unregister* - ok
  7. i dont believe this, because: - why should a porn site buy a homebrew emulations site? - wheres the mainpage? if would buy this kewl site, i would put a good looking logo and something other on the mainpage( http://www.1emulation.com/ ) - why does the admin and the stuff still have old content(consoles, selling pages,....) content in their signature? - why are they still the same admins? if its a completly new site( i mean something other as a emulation site), there will be new admins and staff... - why im still registered on this board? - did the pornsite bought the invision board? i hope thats not true
  8. rain r14 supports m3 sd now: http://www.pat.hi-ho.ne.jp/~sata68/nds/rain14.lzh (unpack lzh with winrar or something like this) offical site: http://www.pat.hi-ho.ne.jp/sata68/nds.shtml
  9. but then you have to develop a new system(not over msn anymore) filesending would be cool(via filesystem).
  10. like myself does the release on the blog page work? if yes, why cant i login? my router says: not connected to Nintendo DS. uhm not compatible yet with wifi?
  11. ****!!! its seems that it is dead! uhh i want msn on ds! can someone ask there for the sourcecode taht someone can finish it?
  12. then buy it on mobilemagic: DS Lite: Pre-order. Ships on 11.03.2006 tomorrow! yahooo!
  13. http://www.m3-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=1471 ds lite works with m3+passkey and a supercard. dont install flashme v6 yet if you buy a lite or youll lose the new ds lite features. wait for loopys v7 release or something like this buy a ds lite here: http://www.lik-sang.com/list.php?nav=left_...8ab98e6c7af61ab (199.90$ (~167.84 €)) www.mobilemagic.hk (139,99 € (+5.90€ shipping to europe) cya!
  14. cant you add a changelog of the server on your site, too?
  15. dslinux uses his own wifidriver
  16. yahoooo! WEP!
  17. np, i made a new account for me to share files with others
  18. are u using GmailFS for this? if not, try it: http://www.viksoe.dk/code/gmail.htm
  19. didnt work. i have only access to a subadress(abc.xyz.de). perhaps this is why it doesnt work... P.S. your server(dschat.kicks-ass.org) has problems: cant send messages anymore...
  20. -ftpdir /mu/ha/ha "C:/mu/ha/ha" or -ftpdir /mu/ha/ha "C:\mu\ha\ha"? edit: tried both: not working! i took the informations out off my cuteftp connection(of course with changed informations in this picture):
  21. I need this too! im using a m3 cf, but the guide should work for my card, too
  22. ds2key is used to play and/or controller your apps/pc with it. if u controll for example winamp, it should stream sound to your DS(with on/off function). if u go on toilet, u can still listen to the music and if you dont have loudspeakers u can use your ds as a speaker shutting down your ds with your PC is just a little useless idea by myself irgnore it if you want to... another idea: see the song(ID3 Tag) on ds which is currently playing on your pc(and perhaps the whole medialibrary)
  23. ahh thx everything started fine, but i cant connect to my host. i entered this: java -jar chatserver.jar -ftpuser abc@xyz.de -ftppass 123 -ftpserver ftp.xyz.de -ftpdir chat -http 9999 -port 9999 something wrong? i generated the empty chat folder on my domain. of course i changed here the ftp server adress, the ftpuser name and the password. i forwarded port 9999 (UDP and TCP).
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