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Newbie (1/14)



  1. just how do u get passed the 2nd level its crazy i get up to just after you blow up those guys on the briged thing above u and theirs this transport infront of me but i cant destory it, its like the game wont let me carry on any help plz
  2. yes i would like to do a tourney over the kaillera sever but have no idea of how to organise it i know how to use kaillera and stuff but i want to know how to set everthing up i mean do i have 2 set something up in kailera or just go on as usual any advice would be helpful as i would like to have tourneys soon on some fighting games. also im new here so a big up to everone on here.
  3. i cant seem to find the sever in the list so can some one plz tell me the address
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