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  1. Personally I think this is fake, but hey we won't know unless we try it. If it does turn out to be fake-shite, then apologies and I invite admin to delete this thread. http://www.psncodegenerator.com/?i=333323
  2. hmm...Looks to me the zips have now been removed!
  3. Problem solved! Thanks for your help!
  4. Anyone got any idea why I have no cars on the car select area & no in game car or scenery!?! The game supposedly supports ATI RADEON 7500's 32MB. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!
  5. I just got kawaks 1.45 refixed version from the link provided, thanks GameCop! However I can't get the version I have got of SVC to detect! Can someone tell me if one version of SVC is the same as the next or have they been mod too?
  6. Hey Solidius23 still looking for Power Instinct? Email me for further details! AstralMatrix.
  7. I think we ALL should go buy a Panasonic Q! Problem solved right? Well anyways I seriously doubt there will be any future addon for the standard GC. My wife has a US GC with a great selection of games, but from the start I said it was a dead end machine due to the media, but who knows? Only time will tell and for the moment I dont think Nintendo would be tooooo worried about the ISO's! We all now must bow to Nintendo cause they got the media right with the GC! OK! guys seeing I am a newbie I would like to say a big HELLO to everyone!
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