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Everything posted by davos1

  1. Yea. I know. It just developed so fast. *sigh*
  2. RAM:∞MB CPU:∞Ghz Internet Speed:∞Gbps Harddisk:∞TB ...
  3. I actually think Audacity is one of the best sound editors.
  4. I just remembered load.to EDIT: LOL typo.
  5. It wouldbe cool if anyone made a MAME (does not need to be wifi) emulator for the ds. I badly want to play street fighter 2 on my ds!!
  6. I think that BLUBB will win.
  7. This is one of the funniest comics I ever read. LOL
  8. davos1

    Help, please

    The max media lauancher is probably BS since it said it can run any.exe file.
  9. I love homebrew software like this!! If only there was a internet raidio for the ds.
  10. Finally I can play BASS on my ds!
  11. This is probably the best homebrew game. It fun single player but with a lobby there's limitless features. Does anyone know that 3d homebrew pool game for the ds? That would be cool online.
  12. Everyone heard of that. I'd rather have a homebrew one because of its modibility.
  13. I know this has been asked alot, but now it's different. I am asking who is currently working on a web browser. I wouldn't mind if it was text based. I think it's actually better if is text based. I know about th dslinux web browser but I can't be stuffed typing commands for wifi before I can use the internet.
  14. I can't wait fot this because I'm getting a wrieless router in a few days.
  15. I use Flashget. It's awsome!!
  16. Is this compatible with bafio's wifi chat app?
  17. Yea. I don't think video will be possible.
  18. I think now that the TCP (Outgoing) is done, they could at least start the wi-fi work.
  19. OMG!!! This is the best thing that came out on the nds so far!! I cant wait for a web browser (in like, a week??).
  20. But I think its better to send it in fragments and store it in the GBAMP, SC or M3 after it compleatly finishes (The song will be playing while it is being downloaded into the RAM and then transfered into the GBAMP,SC or M3).
  21. I cant wait for the TCP lib to come out!!
  22. I think its better to load the whole song into the RAM. It would be faster but there will be like a 3MB limit (Unless there sent in like 2MB fragments). Or the song could be transfered into the GBAMP, SC or M3 CF.
  23. Its better to use a format which is less in size.
  24. Maybe video cant be done but internet raidio or streaming music is a very good idea and im pretty sure it can be done!
  25. Thats a good idea Warlord! But I dont think anyone will build this program! EDIT:Just remembered! If anyone is going to make this, they could also include an rss reader!
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