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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. Oohh... And this comes right after Nintendo announced the 24/7 thang for Wii... when you're not playing, just leave it on and it goes into standby where it downloads new features for your games. Sucks to the Brits! Glad I ain't one of 'em!
  2. If I ever go blind, I want to be able to do that.
  3. I like rock, (ex: Nirvana) electronic, game music (Zelda: Oracle of Seasons! ) and a teeny bit of metal.
  4. FF I & II: Dawn of Souls Katamari Damacy We <3 Katamari
  5. Super Mario World Shining Soul II 007 Nightfire Super Mario RPG
  6. I can't wait for better N64 emulation on PSP...
  7. Happy B-Day... whether or not he sees it...
  8. So wait... Should I turn off the Firewall, or just spend tons of time setting it to allow my programs access?
  9. Thanks for the link, James. I'll remember to do that when I upgrade.
  10. That's why I considered it in the first place. I dunno... I think I'm gonna take the risk and just DO IT. ...Maybe I'll back up my entire hard drive first.
  11. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/text/officer.php
  12. Here are some good ones: http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/psx/ When I couldn't get ePSXe to work at first, PSXeven worked for me, so I'd recommend it. But don't take MY word for it! Duh Dah DAH!
  13. Oh, those sons of B1TCHES! How DARE they end a movie I paid $40+ to see with a friggin CLIFFHANGER? AAAAAARRRGGHHH!
  14. Thanks for the link! Now, before I upgrade: About a year ago when my Mom was getting help from tech support to install our SBC Yahoo! DSL, he told her NOT to upgrade to sp2. Did he know what he was talking about? Or was he just stupid? Is there anything else I should know about sp2?
  15. Star Wars JK: JA 18 player Jedi battles =
  16. Oh, I've owned MK:SC on GBA. And those specs are good enough, so maybe you just got a bad rom dump?
  17. And where would one find this patch?
  18. Well, I recently discovered that developers hate Windows XP sp 1 now, what with PCSX2 running better on sp2 and the WMP 11 beta as well, I just had the thought of upgrading. But, I've heard it can be... evil. So could someone tell me about this Windows Firewall thang and what I should do in order to keep using Bittorrent, P2P, and online gaming?
  19. As do I, though it depends on the games in question: Emus on PSP > emus on DS Homebrew on PSP > homebrew on DS Commercial games for PSP < commercial games for DS
  20. Meh. Happy B-Day anyhoo!
  21. --GC-- SSBM Starfox Assault Metroid Prime 1/2 Alien Homonid (Story - 2P, PDA Games - 4P <- Better than the story mode ) --PS2-- ATV: Offroad Fury 3 James Bond 007: Nightfire War of the Monsters (2P) --Xbox-- None.
  22. First, I'm not sure what you mean as to: Maybe you have not updated your emulator for many years? Or maybe you don't have the minimum PC specs? Anyway, GBA emulation on a flashcart is full speed, as is NDS emulation on an M3. You can even play old games, such as NES, GG, or GB, at full speed on a flashcart or M3.
  23. Is it a commercial ROM? Support for those is pretty low as of current. Only PD ROMs are supported by most DS emus.
  24. 1) Learn better C++ 2) Sell sh1t on eBay 3) Buy cool stuff
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