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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. Lesson #1: Don't double post! Lesson #2: The Attack System has it's own forum! Read it! Lesson #3: DIE! Mooney attacked GoRDoOnE with a Pimp Slap (1 str) and took off 38! GoRDoOnE has 1 HP left! GoRDoOnE counterattacks with a Knife (3 str) and takes off 1! Mooney has 230 HP left! You gain: 7 EXP points!!!! ...well, almost.
  2. Moonshell plays MP3's and DPG's (nDs mPeG).
  3. Yes, you can use it to run PSX cd's with a plugin for the emulator, or run cd images. BIOS files are needed, but don't request/link to them here. You can get plugins here: http://www.ngemu.com/psx/epsxe.php?action=plugins Also, an auto config tool from here: http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/psx/epsxe.html
  4. Wow... Lotsa emus. Now I just wanna see one there for the NGPC!
  5. To me Devhook sounds like a really cool thing, and recently they released .42a and .42b, and I'd love to use it, but I just don't know how. If someone could write me a tutorial (Or link me to one) that tells me everything I need and how to install this, I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks!
  6. Or, if you don't feel like getting Moonshell, Meteo is a nice little movie converter that changes avi, mpg, and mpeg into a GBA rom. Godd for people who don't have a PassMe for playing DS homebrew! Get it here: http://www.gameboy-advance.net/video/
  7. I was thinking that would be cool for Team Epsilon's hacked 2.71 bios. FW 2.71 in all it's glory + 1.5's homebrew = heaven.
  8. That's no reason to hold back...
  9. I shoved a bottle rocket up my cousins butt.
  10. Crap, son. I still got sp 1. Suck. Nice release, tho!
  11. But that was a different, older downgrader, right? I used that one. The new one is 2.5/2.6 - 1.5, no?
  12. You lucky dogs, you! Congrats!
  13. CRAP! Sorry about that... laaagy browser... if I could, I would delete two of those... Sorry!
  14. BWAHAHAHAHA! Mooney attacked JKKDARK with a Pimp Slap (1 str) and took off 30! JKKDARK has 0 HP left! ---------- JKKDARK is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! ---------- You gain 1 frag(s) (0 stolen). You gain: 1 EXP points!!!! Welcome to ya, 1emu style!
  15. Happy B-Day to everyone!
  16. Good day to all you Canadians, eh? I sure hope you're getting oot and aboot! Write me a cheque in many colours!
  17. http://www.nintendowifi.com/customersupport/SupportHome.jsp
  18. Yeah, their site did say something about near-fullspeed emulation...
  19. Crap, son. Suck. I looked all over but still couldn't find one. Now for plan B: SOMEONE WRITE A NGPC EMULATOR FOR GBA OR NDS!!! Please?
  20. I am considering buying a NeoGeo Pocket Color (Don't try to talk me out of it, I love this little system ) and I was wondering if anyone knew of any flashcards for it. I've read about something called Pocket Send, but it only seems to be software. If someone could inform me on the methods of NeoGeo Pocket Color flash methods, I would be grateful.
  21. That's quite a collection!
  22. Is this the same tool? http://www.ps2savetools.com/download.php?o...S2_Save_Builder
  23. Hmm... I guess no one's been in the mood for pr0n lately...
  24. Lucky. I just finished my first year of highschool.
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