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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. I'm using Fraps 2.7.2 to record movies in Guild Wars, BF1942, AA, and other gaes, but my videos don't have sound. I tell Fraps to record sound, but when it's set to "Stereo Mix" it gets nothing and "Microphone" has really crappy quality. What should I do? P.S. The boxes "No Cursor" and "No Sync" are not cheked, just an fyi.
  2. Guilty Gear Dust Strikers Sonic Rush NFSU2 Nanostray Burnout: Legends Polarium And, if you can get it: Table Hockey E3 Tech Demo
  3. Most do, but here's a list of carts: http://www.gameboy-advance.net/nintendo_ds..._flash_card.htm Not listed there: EFA cards work fine. They even have a special firmware to play DS games with a passme.
  4. And...
  5. I don't have luck. I give luck. To my one friend in specific. I picked out the booster pack he got a Charizard in back in the day of Pokemon. Yesterday, I chose an envelope in a game for him and he won $100. I have no luck and I hate everyone who is lucky.
  6. Walker: Texas Ranger biatch.
  7. SHHHHHH! We don't need to tell him that...
  8. In my city, my Mom has seen a power box explode twice during thunderstorms.
  9. I sense some sort of wierd frat-boy link between you two...
  10. These are good
  11. I got something fine from them today.
  12. I love this game! I just wish it had a story mode... So far it only has one in Korean.
  13. *Whew!* Glad they're back. Now I can get back to my torrents!
  14. The new DSpot website (hosted by 1emu) is up! It's only a Beta test version, tho. http://dspot.1emulation.com But there have been many changes also: Many new skins, new members, and new forums! Whether you have a DS or just love Nintendo, you should check this site out! For more info on DSpot: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17451 Or the Official Site: www.dspot.co.nr Thanks to Gamecop for the hosting space!
  15. Welcome. Enjoy yo stay, foo.
  16. I my area, an SUV lost control when its trailer hit a bump, a semi slammed into it and spun it 180 degrees pinning it to the wall. Another car proceeded to slam into those two, and ignited all the gas that had leaked out of both cars. Then - Speaking of Marines, two marines pulled the man out of the SUV. Luckily, no one was killed, but the driver of the SUV was badly injured.
  17. Haven't you seen the South Park where Kenny tries to do that, and the flames go up his butt? That's dangerous, man!
  18. The few. The proud. The badass. The Marines.
  19. Anyway, something interesting: I've decided to try to make a Guild Wars "Dance" video. Lots 'o' fun.
  20. He means so you can kick ass and take names.
  21. Got the software here: http://www.ndscard.com/Download.htm And I, in a way, fixed the problem. Only thing is, now I have to put the GBA games on the SD card manually, and copy one of the gamesave files and rename it to the game I just put on. Buuut I won't be using many GBA games since the NDS function works fine!
  22. Quite the responsible citizen, eh chap? Anyway, I fixed the problems with my M3 and GBA + NDS roms. Yay!
  23. I guess I've always wondered why this hasn't happened to sites like this sooner. I dunno. I always figured if they were breaking the law, why even bother with politics? But damn, they had good torrents.
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