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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. 5 mins... commercial break... same thing. I just don't see how they could make an entire season of this.
  2. I'm gonna stick with my good old 2D mouse, thankyaverymuch.
  3. You won't need to, it'll be cancelled during the first commercial break.
  4. GBN sounds too much like GCN... mebbe GameBoy 1337?
  5. Then you don't know what you're missing.
  6. More like from a groveling n00b to a piss-bad player. I'm just kidding, Drake! ... no I'm not.
  7. Oh man.... This show will suck outta conTROL! My school had a DDR tournament once... it was lame as hell. I can't IMAGINE turning it into a full TV show...
  8. Even this mouse could not help you, Drake. You're lost in the world of GunZ.
  9. How about Gameboy Power? No... GP is already used... (GP 32, GP 2x)... Maybe... Gameboy BLACKDEATH?
  10. While you're there, check out my favorite author... Pat M'Groin.
  11. That... would be... sounding like something from Star Trek...
  12. James Bond: Agent Under Fire was the game that got me TOTALLY hooked on FPS games.
  13. But what will they make if not a GameBoy? A DS 2 with 4 screens?
  14. Getting back to business...
  15. Not Goldeneye? Or Perfect Dark? Not even DOOM or Duke Nukem???
  16. NON! C'est ne PAS vrai!! This makes me so mad and sad that I used French...
  17. Yagami, a happy birthday, you too.
  18. I got one... NOTE: For this trick to work, you must be, say, an arms length away from the person you are... astounding. Take a coin and ask someone "Heads or tails?" Don't listen to their answer because they are a moron. Then, flip the coin really really high, and, while they're looking up at it, punch them in the stomach or kick them in the nuts. Or both. Believe me, after this trick, you will never need another.
  19. OH YES <{POST_SNAPBACK}> THAT'S REALLY CREEPY!...but I have to agree!
  20. I'm not sure which is more plastic, her outfit or her boobs.
  21. Aww,, this is gonna be TIGHT! I can't wait for this game! woot!
  22. I wish they hadn't cancelled GR 2 for the PC... It would have been SOOOO cool!
  23. I dunno about that.. the Bluray does show some promise... aside from the $1000 Bluray player, the only machine that can play Bluray discs besides the PS3 itself.
  24. I'm pretty sure, from the mario demo thing they showed at the E3 press event, that the console can figure out where the controller is pointing to somehow. That would be vital for a lot of game concepts that might use the wii controller. And I think it looks pretty sweet. It looks good because it implies a lot of fun to be had with it, not because "OMG I want to impress strangers with my cool video game accessory." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, the Wii's controller does have a gyroscope, just like the PS3 will be tilt-sensitive, so it can tell where you are pointing it. So there will be no using it as a dildo, or it will see this and report you. No lie. And, it has light gun capabilities built in to the controller itself.
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