That is... SO COOL! I'm actually considering getting a Wii instead of a PS3... There would be no doubt in my mind, but then Sony went and removed the rumble feature from the PS3 controller... and then they named it the "Dualshake"
Hi Someboddy! I hope you slip on your own feces and fall into a pit full of rabid gay men! Unless you were to give me money... Then I'd hope you had a fun time, too!
Yay. Jon Stewart kick your ass. So does Steven Colbert. Oh, and if Mexico had legalized some drugs... we would't have people jumping the borders, they'd be flying over the borders.
Wow. I thought there would actually be music involved. But I do like how you worked in that thing I said about 50 women! *EDIT*...literally. Here's my edit of Drake's... er... song.
Yes indeed I do. Name: Orim of the Earth Type: RPG If you have room, please invite me to your guild. Mine is dead. Last person to logon was 3 months ago...