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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. Sw33t! I need a new PSP. My current one is acting like a brick...
  2. I likey But... they have too much clothes on...
  3. I haven't played GunZ in a while... I don't know about the servers... I hope they're up
  4. I once was in that situation. I used the adult section, tho I'm not as old as that guy was.
  5. Well, first off: I wouldn't sit in the kids' section.
  6. Does anyone know of some easy to use, n00b friendly music creation software with cool synths and beat makers? I'm looking for a sequencer with easy synths built in, none of those crazy "multi-sampling" or whatever synths. No "tape delay patches" or anything like that either. Cost don't really matter, but better if it's free. P.S. Like my pun?
  7. Okay, this is really sad: One day I walked into my local library to pick up a good book. Now, in my library, there are 2 sections of computers. One for kids (up to 13 yrs) and one for adults (above 13, usually). As I passed the kids section, I notice a man who must have been in his mid to late twenties sitting there, with no kids around. He wasn't playing with his child, he was all alone. Now, that's not all. I looked at the screen in front of him and saw he was playing... Runescape. So a grown man, in the kids section of the public library, playing Runescape. Doesn't that seem a bit wrong to you?
  8. Tell him your sending a 500 lb inmate named 'Bubba' to his house for some... "intimate activity"
  9. Games: America's Army; Guild Wars; GunZ; Endless Online; Kal Online; Endless Lands; Halo Zero Names: Alpha_Slayer; Mooney; G Flame IM's Hamachi; Xfire; ICQ; Google Talk; mIRC I wanna play some gamez!
  10. I think posting reviews is more fun than spam. But I wouldn't mind some bologna right about now...
  11. >.< $15?? That would totally suck! I hope those a fake...
  12. I have said this before: DeSmuME does play 'Polarium' (the French version at least) glitch free, but no sound. It also plays the intro to 'Wario Ware: Touched!' but nothing else.
  13. I'd suggest upgrading to a PCI-E card. MUCH faster. Also, you can now get 16x cards.
  14. The Grand Canyon. It was truly amazing.
  15. Oh yeah? Well, we already got Metroid Prime: Hinters for DS!
  16. This is a totally acid induced thread.
  17. Okay, that's not right. ^ L.S.D.: You are amazing.
  18. Yep, the worst part isn't when they ruin your picnics because at least everyone can see them in broad daylight. It's when they fly out at night that they're most annoying because then you're asleep and totally defenceless! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Especially while roasting marshmallows!
  19. No, but the mosquitoes that fly around here when the weather becomes warmer certainly know how to suck blood! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ahh yes, Mosquitoes... Stupid blood-sucking fiends, always ruin my picnics!
  20. What are you, a vampire?
  21. Don't forget to change your clocks. Remember: Spring forward, fall back! Also remember: You're losing 1 hour of sleep tonight!
  22. It's not Diso... I tried that...
  23. I love Katamariiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!
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