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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. That's why the 360 truly sucks and is a waste of time and money: You can't even play the original Halo. Good thing the PS3 will be backwards compatible with the PSX AND the PS2!!
  2. I loved that faux-ghetto kid getting punched in the face! That was... hilarious!
  3. The only thing I have against fighting games are the long strings of button combos you have to memorizre to be able to do cool moves. I always stick to simple punching/kicking.
  4. Game: Metroid Prime: Hunters System: Nintendo DS Emulators: N/A After playing the demo of MP:H that came with the DS, I had high hopes for the FPS genre on the DS. I thought it would be cool to use the touchscreen to look around. Well, Nintendo's first release of an FPS style game has more or less blown my sock off. I absolutely LOVE the way the touchscreen seamlessly integrates with the d-pad, and the controls are so simple, yet so deep. A simple double tap on the touchscreen makes you jump. All you need is a stylus in one hand, and the d-pad and L button in the other (If you're right handed). The storyline is not that immersive, but the boss battles and encounters with other hunters more than make up for that. As for multiplayer, one word: Wifi. It is so amazing to be able to find people to play against at almost any time! Another useful thing is the single card DS Download play is not nearly as restriced as most other games. You an your friends can play every mode and every level with just one card. The only restriction is they have to play as Samus while you get to play as the other hunters (Sylux, Spire, Weavel, Noxus, Kanden, or Trace) that you have unlocked. All of the hunters have an alternate form (like Samus's morph ball) and an affinity weapon that has improved power and abilities for that hunter only. I highly recommend this game for anyone with a DS. And to those who don't: This is a great reason to buy a DS now! Controls: 10 Gameplay: 10 Graphics: 9.5 Sound: 9.5 Overall Score: 9.5 Grade: A+ Overall I give this game a thumbs up!
  5. Accident? "Flash" site? We all know what you were really looking for you dirty rascal, you! P.S. I it just me or is the emoticon being overused lately?
  6. Mafia --Godfather: The Game commercials roused ye oulde memories
  7. Good choice. But also consider a jump to the 4000 series.
  8. But not the right parts if ya know what I mean
  9. Nonbeliever... It could happen...
  10. Ebay? I wouldn't trust the quality of the drives on Ebay... but that's just paranoid little me.
  11. Damn you exploiting male horomones! I'll have my revenge!
  12. DAMN! First the Asian porn trick, now this?!? Why must you tease me so?? WHY??!?
  13. I seriously doubt that! I even tried using LimeWire Pro 4.9.29 to download Temperature - Sean Paul. It came up completely clean on my virus scanner. How do you manage to find MP3s with viruses on them? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oops, scratch that. It wasn't an.. um... *cough* mp3.
  14. That's crazy! Too bad about the no sound thing... Yup, it seems we're just a short period of time away from totally pwning the 360.
  15. DC++? I'll give it a try! No matter the Lite or Pro, BS and LW fill your PC with major $hit. When I used Limewire Lite and Pro before, I got 2 worms, 1 keylogger, and about 10 entries of other spyware. Viruses rare? I think not! And viruses are not always in tax software. I noticed that at least 1 file shows up for every search I do, and it's always THE SAME EXACT SIZE. Suspicious, no? And once I dl'd an mp3, and when I tried to play it, a thousand pop-ups came up and I had to manually turn off my PC to get them to stop. Limewire sucks, period.
  16. Oh poor, innocent garyoak, little do you know... I also use BearShare Pro, but I still got 2 Trojans, 1 worm, and 3 keyloggers. I do use bittorrent (Azureus and BitLord) but it takes much longer to dl things, and there's a wider selection of files on P2P. I just wish there was a P2P client that filtered out the viruses and spyware... p.s. This is my 100th post!!
  17. O.o woops... didn't see that...
  18. Congrats! Soo... what does this promotion entail?
  19. Just saw it... I love it! Only problem is, the real people don't really look like the Simpsons...
  20. Hmmm.... site appears to be down right now...
  21. Nationstates is a cool online game where you create your own nation, then try to keep it from blowing itself up. It's alot of fun for stratagy gamers, and for political a$$wipes in the government. www.nationstates.net P.S. My nation is called "The Rogue Nation of Moonitopia"
  22. Does anyone know of a good P2P client that isn't completely filled with viruses (Limewire, Bearshare, KaZaa) where I can download just about the same stuff? I like using P2P, but Limewire and Bearshare put so much crap on my PC, like KeyLoggers and Trojans...
  23. *ahem* I did tell you ab00t the ram... no "fanboy flame" there
  24. Got a link to it so's the rest of us can see?
  25. ... Didn't I say that?
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