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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. Naw, men get right to the point. For example, here is the best pick-up line men use of all time: "Nice shoes. Wanna f***?" See? Gets right to the point, no messin' around.
  2. I can never tell if scantily clad women look familiar. My eyes never go above the neck.
  3. I'm not sure about the failure of the PS3, but I know both these systems will pwn the XBox 360.
  4. Wow. June? I doubt that, seeing as the PS3 has been delayed again. But it's fun to dream!
  5. I think it's in England, wot? That's wot is says on the site...
  6. K'dash, you use Limewire? I used that once... I got a P2P worm from it. So you probably have on too! Yay!
  7. Women... They will act like they're interested in you then act insulted if you ask them out... Personal experience.
  8. Actually, it wasn't a remake. It was a sequal. Neither of which was required by mankind. In other words: It sucks.
  9. I... can't... resist... KATAMARI!!!
  10. Maybe Sony just realized emulation and piracy were running rampant with all their systems, so they're trying to hide their shame by making it O.K. to play PS1 games. Bastards.
  11. That's why I like PS2: Free online. And it can't detect a modchip.
  12. Good point... I could have been wireless, tho.
  13. I've already seen the 360 hacked... using a PSP? Supposedly, someone used the PSP-360 connection and a program on their PSP to play a pirated version of Perfect Dark. Unfortunately, the video on YouTube is gone...
  14. It's obviously fake for these reasons: 1. He never puts in a disk to play Unreal Tournament. 2. At the beginning he was shouting something about "Turn on!!!" there is no possible way a PC could be turned on and he could have booted up UT in that little time. 3. Who was he playing against? He never said anything about a server, or setting up a profile for off-line play.
  15. But WinRAR is a bit tedious to use... I can understand one's confusion.
  16. Yeah, they kinda shot themselves in the foot with that. I wouldn't have minded any extra bulk just so I could have L2 and R2. Or the other joystick.
  17. ... You could get the version made for PSP...
  18. I wish. That would be one tight admin! wink wink hint hint
  19. Riiiiight.. we all know you were reaching for your zipper when you saw this.
  20. Maybe there'll be some kind of add-on adapter? (Wishfull thinking, but it could happen...)
  21. He doesn't need support my a$$. That kid needs some anger management and a good lifetime in solitary confinement. He is unclean!! If he played those he'd probably kill all his people and animals in the first 5 minutes. He's a psychopath.
  22. Look at this article from IGN: Sw33t! Saga Frontier and REAL MGS (Not that 'Acid' poser) on my PSP! Now if that doesn't seem like the coolest thing EVER.... go die. This sure would help PSP in the race against the DS.
  23. You mean you'll make a forum for porn? Kidding, kidding! I wasn't expecting that... Aw man...
  24. http://www.zophar.net/utilities/graphutil.html There should be some good ones in there.
  25. This is a clear cut case of addicted to video games... the bad way. Get that boy some professional help!
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