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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. Why you will never be happy and I win: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...p;showentry=455
  2. On the topic of gamer girls: my girlfriend has a PS3, DS, and Wii, plus she gets PSM and plays just about every game I like. I only love her for her bountiful game systems. But the question is... should I get her to join up here? (Answer: Hell no. I don't hate her THAT much)
  3. I do recall checking out the last version of this a long while ago, back when we were both on the IRC channel... Now post more, or I won't love you anymore. (I'm just kidding, I could never stop loving you, olaf )
  4. Well, BlackKnight's tutorial is only for 3.02 OE-A to 3.40 OE-A. The method has probably changed since then (ex: Popstation has been updated multiple times, as has PSX2PSP) so I'd suggest updating, or try getting a different ISO (maybe the disc you were ripping was scratched or somehow damaged).
  5. This could be worth the upgrade, but I think it's too early to tell for sure right now.
  6. Snake can kill dogs with his sweat.
  7. What part of it is "faulty code?" I was under the impression that the DRM software did exactly what they wanted it to do, regardless of what the end user wanted.
  8. Snake. He's got style and finesse. Rambo is pretty much all about the brute force and spray-n-pray. Plus, Rambo is so damn old (then again, I haven't played MGS4, so I don't know what's up with Old Snake).
  9. No homework, subs from Jimmy John's, no parental units, and all the Rammstein my heart desires. I might even go crazy and watch some TV later. So... how's everyone else faring on this fine Wednesday evening?
  10. Rammstein - "Du Riechst So Gut [You Smell So Good]"
  11. Buy my AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+... please...
  12. Calm Hatchery - "Beauty of Pain"
  13. Got an ad on my cell during class today, but they were nice enough to give me a number to text "STOP" to. Don't even know how they got my number in the first place...
  14. We should get cookies. Warm, soft, delicious cookies. With gooey chocolate chips.
  15. Um... well, I don't think it has any flash memory on it (but I don't know much about wireless devices or how they work, so I could be wrong?), but even if it did, there's really no way to access it... so... no?
  16. I don't, but my father seriously does.
  17. Clearly it's all just been a sham.
  18. WHAT THE Scarf? Anyway... time for some srs metal:
  19. I <3 Monster Hunter. Can't wait for a new PSP version to come out.
  20. I'd tap that. VPCILF anyone? edit: woah ® ©
  21. I had a Rockstar once a few years back, never had any energy drinks since.
  22. I stay up till 1 or 2 am, sleep, then get up around 8am (not having a first hour class rules).
  23. Stuffed crust ftw.
  24. +1 After that, it's always "View New Posts."
  25. It might be possible using a program like Win2DS. (Post with latest version download: clicky)
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