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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. Yeah, NJ is the author of those emulators (CPS1PSP, CPS2PSP, MVSPSP, and NCDZPSP). It appears that his official website is gone, so you can get the latest sources here. (or here)
  2. It is currently only available to emulator authors and other devs working on projects or ports for pandora, and there is no official date set for releasing it to the general public (they're still fixing bugs and whatnot, but I think it's not long now). As for the price, the main page predicts it'll cost about $330. Till then, have some fun links: List of (possible) emulators for pandora (Spoiler: PSX is already known to run at more than full speed) Pandora FAQ
  3. Doesn't look too fancy. I'm just gonna wait for the pandora. 600MHz CPU + 128MB RAM ftw.
  4. Brujeria - "La Traicion" Mexican death metal. Who knew?
  5. I think a main focus on gaming and emulation would be best, since that's what this site is all about, but there will still be room for Fatal's love and relationship advice and whatnot.
  6. Great to see 1emu still alive and kicking. What with 6 years under our belt, we're gonna have our highs and lows. The slump will end soon.
  7. Eh. Some Metallica is ok (Master of Puppets, Ride the Lightning). Necrophagist - "Seven" played on an electric ukulele
  8. Looks like Batman is all grown up.
  9. Pretty cool, but not enough to make me run out and buy a PS3 till they've got an easy, reliable system for running backups.
  10. Uh... drugs. Drugs happened. You know, all that stress at medical school, and all that access to medical supplies... It's a dangerous road to travel.
  11. Why waste time and effort porting an obsolete emulator when iDeaS, a much more current and complete emulator is already on Linux? In fact, the Linux version of iDeaS was just updated three days ago.
  12. Gryph tried to rise up and destroy all of 1emu. Epic battling ensued. Millions died. CNN covered it 24/7. In the end, all of the mods and admins combined their powers to lock him away in the bowels of the forums and sealed his cage with the blue "Banned" bar. We barely escaped with the forum intact. There is, however, a rumor floating around that he is biding his time, gathering followers and building his power to one day free himself and continue his brutal campaign of destruction...
  13. I like summer, because I prefer shorts to snow pants, and I hate trudging through multiple feet of snow and ice.
  14. Eh, the R4 was dying anyway. There are plenty of better options out there now from many different companies, and even Nintendo doesn't have the money or resources to bring every single one of them down. I guess they're just hoping to scare people away from piracy/flashcards by going after the most well known manufacturer.
  15. I'll assume your question was about whether the slot-2 device is for Lite only? Yes, the slot-2 device included with the M3 DS Real is for DS Lites only. It will not fit in an old, fat DS.
  16. Just added a slightly worthwhile entry to mine.
  17. For those who don't already know about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Summer_Slaughter_Tour Whitechapel = * Psycroptic = ** Aborted = * Born of Osiris = * Despised Icon = * The Faceless = * Cryptopsy = **** Vader = ***** Kataklysm = ***** The Black Dahlia Murder = N/A The first six bands, all of which were deathcore or a variation thereof, sucked mad ass. Not only did their music fail to entertain or excite anyone but the emo/deathcore scene kids, but the bands themselves failed at looking metal. Only two people out of all six bands had enough hair to headbang, and most of the other band members wore either white shirts or Abercrombie crap with flip-flops. Finally, Cryptopsy came on and the fun began. As the band was warming up for a song, the vocalist split the room in two, effectively clearing the floor, which led to one of the largest and most brutal Wall of Deaths I have ever seen, which in turn became a huge circle pit. During Vader, I headbanged till my neck hurt, then lept into the pit for some good ol' fashioned moshing. The only disappointing thing was that there were too many deathcore/emo faggots in the crowd, so Vader didn't get the kind of response the other bands did. By the time Kataklysm came on, I was sore all over, but I couldn't help but headbang faster and mosh harder. The level of energy in the room was unbelievable. Definitely the best show I've ever seen. Highlight of Kataklysm's set: the vocalist brought his terrified 5 or 6 year old son on stage for the crowd to scream and shout at. My friends and I left before The Black Dahlia Murder came on to go get some food, but we didn't meet any band members like we did after seeing Children of Bodom. It also turned out that they were filming this show for the Summer Slaughter 2008 DVD, which is scheduled to be released on August 19th next summer. I might be in it, so everyone needs to buy it. All in all, I'd say the concert was worth the ticket price, but it would've been just as good, if not better, wihtout the first 6 bands. Luckily, Kataklysm will be coming back with Dying Fetus, so I'll get to witness their raw power without any deathcore crap. Can't flocking wait.
  18. LAST UPDATED: Friday, July 31, 2009 Yet another "for sale" blog entry... I need to put my eBay account to use... Computer Parts - AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ (Socket AM2) = $150 (NEW, still in box!) Gaming - Nintendo Wifi USB Connector = $25 - PSP Parts (Available: Any part from a stock PSP except the mobo) = Make an offer! Misc - Creative Zen 16GB portable media/mp3 player = $150 - Kingston K-PEX 100 portable media/mp3 player (2GB flash storage + 2GB Mini SD card) = $90 - Aluratek Bluetooth USB Adapter = $15 Shipping costs will be added on. I'll update this entry whenever something is sold/I have something new to add, so check back regularly! (There's even a link in my sig for your convenience) LOOK A CONTENT BLOCK -->
  19. Mooney


    01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 Just had to get that off my chest.
  20. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I'm gonna go with Songbird. It's still under pre-release status, but with a few add-ons it does everything I need it to do rather nicely.
  21. I'm looking for a nice media player that'll run on a Mandriva based Linux distro (PCLinuxOS Gnome 2008, not 64-bit) that has fancy features like album art and will let me sync my Creative Zen 16GB. The closer it is to Windows Media Player, the better. Any suggestions?
  22. Nice ass on that girl.
  23. DevC++ is a pretty damn good free IDE (considering it hasn't been updated since '05).
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