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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. It's fun, but my game got erased, and I've been too lazy to start it up again. But I do likes my Po-keh-mons!
  2. You could download the latest devkitPro installer (1.3.5) it includes the latest libs. http://www.devkitpro.org/
  3. I'm writing a guide to homebrew on the NDS, and I need someone's help. I need someone who is experienced with NEO Flash Nintendo DS products to write a section on them. If you are interested, please PM me. Thanks!
  4. I would do Kaioken x 5000, then shove my fist through the chests of people who annoyed me. Also that thing about Bulma and Chichi, but instead of Bulma I'd take 18. She's hot for a bot.
  5. Ew... Too much info, dude.
  6. You really just found out about clock speed NOW? If you've used DevHook for... er... "backups" of your UMD's, you'd know that 333Mhz is the way to go. But thanks for the info, you've just made my job a helluva lot easier!
  7. Is it illegal to request a firmware dump from the DS? If it is, please delete this topic. If not... Could someone who has a GBAMP/ Supercard / M3 with a CF please use DSLinux to dump your firmware and send it to me? This is how you do it: cat /dev/firmware > /home/firmware.bin poweroff I need the latest fw for the original DS as well as the first fw, the latest fw for the DS Lite, and, if possible, a dump of FlashMe v7. If it helps, I'm starting to work on an NDS homebrew project that requires the firmware. And since this command does not work on SD versions, which I have, I must ask. Thanks! -Mooney
  8. Dude... look at the date people joined... just look...
  9. Less talk! MORE GIRLS!! More specifically, Carmen Electra.
  10. Get Firefox 2. It has a built in spell checker!
  11. Happy b-day to our resident Shikamaru!
  12. Sweet. THis came out just in time, too. This kid at school wants me to pimp his PSP but he can't get GTA for the eLoader to work, and he didn't want to risk the downgrade. Now I can just do this. But is the loos of speed really noticeable? Do the emulated games still run at or near full speed?
  13. Mooney

    Testing embedding

    Oh my gosh... I love you and hate you at the same time.
  14. For those of you who don't speak fluent binary, he is: (Choose your favorite unit) Decimal: 12853 Hex: 3235 Octal: 31065 ASCII: 25
  15. PD roms work, but even for those I would recommend iDeaS rather than Dualis.
  16. And with one single statement, Dark_Ansem turned the full-fledged fury of entire worlds upon himself.
  17. Woah, sweet! DragonKeeper, you may have to explain this to me... how do you get this to work?
  18. No I don't, and thanks for the link, but everything is ok now.
  20. 15, 16 in 7 months... I want my driver's license!
  21. Um... actually, the title is "Glitch Help," not "GLiTcH, Help!" Anyway, Tweakui did the trick! My drive is back and all is well. Thanks for everyone's help!
  22. I'm Squirtle. I just started, though.
  23. You need a program like WinZip, WinRAR, or something else to extract the files. Download WinZip or SimplyZip from here: http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/utilities/
  24. Geez... I hope I didn't... Here are the DVD's I can remember using recently: Oblivion (Official disc, not burned) MS Visual Studio 2005 (Not the "original" disc...) Even though explorer won't recognize it, the Device Manager still shows it and ASTRA32 says it's still there...
  25. It works great for me on 1.5, almost no problems with speed or graphics at all! The only game I have problems with is Stunt Race FX. Also, Snes9xTYL suggest having Vsync off, since it costs many fps. You may get better performance with it off.
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