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Everything posted by Mooney

  1. Heh...see! Another researcher is VERY satisfied with the findings! Now THAT is a field I would love to go into!
  2. And yet, still no one will talk when I am on. Is there a conspiracy or something?
  3. Wasn't it something like "Logikbomb?" But yeah, I can't talk either. Not that any talking ever happens when I'm on anyway...
  4. I know for sure that I am getting an ATI Radeon X1600 PRO 512MB PCI E, but I'm not sure where to get it. When I searched on eBay, I saw Asus and Sapphire versions of the card. Are there any advantages/disadvantages to getting one of these cards, rather than straight from ATI?
  5. Mooney

    The Last Option

    Wow. You're really serious?... Dang. But I guess it's reasonable. Even Gamecop is human. And if you feel you need to leave 1emu altogether, I'm sure there would be many people ready to take over for you. We'll never forget your work, Gamecop.
  6. I want to hold big boobies! Please?
  7. Programming, building computers, volleyball, people of the female persuasion.
  8. Well it does say "2 x 512KB L2 Cache," so I assume that means it has 2 512KB caches which total 1MB...
  9. Mooney

    Where am I?

    I know how you feel about technology. I've had 3 repairmen come to my house in the last 2 days to fix my flocking internets. Well, good luck to ya.
  10. THis is really cool! Nice job!
  11. Some of you may know, and some may not, of this nice little forum called DSpot. DSpot is a forum for talking about all things Nintendo from the Wii to the DS. It's still a small forum with just over 100 members, and lately there's been a bit of a posting draught. Also, today marks 1 year sice Twilightlink and Kobayashi opened up DSpot to the public. Hopefully DSpot will be able to last another year and gain another 100 members, which is why I come to you: PLEASE VISIT US!!! DSpot is a really cool place and I really like it, so I don't want to see it die. Please just come visit us and see if you like it. Tell your friends, too! - Mooney www.dspot.co.nr OR dspot.1emulation.com P.S. Thank you, Gamecop, for providing us with hosting space and a spot on the list.
  12. Then make a DVD.
  13. Who said I was gonna do that? What I wanted to do was (probably stupid, impossible, or both. ) I wanted a Windows OS, Linux, and Mac, so I could have the best of all worlds. That's why I asked about separate HD's: each one could have its own HD. Go ahead, call me stupid, but it was just a thought.
  14. When I build me a new computer, I would like to be able to run multiple OS's on it. I have a few questions on that... 1. Is it possible to run a Mac OS on a PC? 2. What is the best way to install each OS? (On separate HD's? Partitions?) 3. How the f@#$ do partitions even work? 4. What is the best kind of Linux for programming? (C++, Java, HTML, etc.) Thanks!
  15. You sure? I got those specs from here: http://www.tigerdirect.com/P.S.It's the socket AM2 version, not the 939.
  16. We appreciate you too, L.S.D. Ya big baby.
  17. Mooney

    lol, first post

    Shows up fine in Opera, too.lol, comments.
  18. Sturm, you are a god among men. Without you, this thread would not be nearly as good.
  19. They are evil. All of them. Especially mine, AT&T Yahoo! DSL. It sucks monkey gonads. After AT&T bought SBC, my internet connection randomly dropped, tech support was as helpful as a cage of dead squirrels ("Duuuhh... reboot?"), Firefox started glitchen' out , and I'm trying to convince my parents to get Road Runner Cable internet. I am THIS close { } to convincing them. Wish me luck with that... Anyway, on a lighter side, I have decided to build my own PC. I'll give you a peek at some of the specs I've decided on: - ATI Radeon X1600 (PCI-E, 512MB) ~ $150 (Or less) - AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ (2000Mhz FSB, 1MB Cache, Socket AM2, Dual Core) ~ $200 (Or less) - 2GB PC4200 DDR2 SDRAM (533Mhz) ~ $160 (Or less) - Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard ~ $100 (Or less) I've got my eye on a DFI mobo as well... So yeah... Hopefully my getting Opera will help my 3vil experiences online... *crosses fingers* Peace out! - Mooney *EDIT* - Well, Opera officially is my favorite browser: I tried posting this blog SIX times on firefox... to no avail. Opera: got it on the first trial.
  20. Welcome back to you, too! And thanks, everyone, for the "warm" welcome (as in: nuclear radiation) . Thanks to you too, Garyoak! kGo all de way! I'll do the same for you... If I ever gain about 600 levels... P.S. I love the new design! It's so... futuristic! And I love my PLASMA GRENADES!
  21. Meh... I guess redheads are easier to notice, but I'd think blondes would get more, seeing as so many people consider them dumb and easy.
  22. Ya know... I REALLY hate this guy... I mean, are violent videogames really the most important issue right now? Couldn't he do something HELPFUL like representing Katrina victims or Iraqi people... biatch.
  23. Grrrr... Lousy hackers... It used to be about hacking to get your name out there, but now it appears it is all politics. L4me.
  24. YO! I am BACK, bitches! Ok, that's all the energy I have today. Up North was tight... I saw waterfalls, rodents, went fishing, played ping-pong, sat on my ass, bought two air soft pistols, and annoyed my sister. In case you haven't figured it out by now, when I say "tight" I mean "BORING AS HELL." I missed all my good fwends at Wun Emoo! So... whats been up? Fill me in. Talk to me. I'm lonely.
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