They are evil. All of them. Especially mine, AT&T Yahoo! DSL. It sucks monkey gonads. After AT&T bought SBC, my internet connection randomly dropped, tech support was as helpful as a cage of dead squirrels ("Duuuhh... reboot?"), Firefox started glitchen' out , and I'm trying to convince my parents to get Road Runner Cable internet. I am THIS close { } to convincing them. Wish me luck with that... Anyway, on a lighter side, I have decided to build my own PC. I'll give you a peek at some of the specs I've decided on: - ATI Radeon X1600 (PCI-E, 512MB) ~ $150 (Or less) - AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ (2000Mhz FSB, 1MB Cache, Socket AM2, Dual Core) ~ $200 (Or less) - 2GB PC4200 DDR2 SDRAM (533Mhz) ~ $160 (Or less) - Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard ~ $100 (Or less) I've got my eye on a DFI mobo as well... So yeah... Hopefully my getting Opera will help my 3vil experiences online... *crosses fingers* Peace out! - Mooney *EDIT* - Well, Opera officially is my favorite browser: I tried posting this blog SIX times on firefox... to no avail. Opera: got it on the first trial.