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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Hey, worst comes to worst, we just revert. If the site bombs, we screw our affiliates, and we start posting links again. Then we laucnh some nukes, sending the world into anarchy, and build emulation up to the only fair source of income. Well, maybe not that last part...
  2. Is there a campaign editor for Neverwinter Nights? If I wanted a substiture for a real DnD game, would this work well? I've found a couple people that would play a DnD game with me, but we don't know exactly how we're going to do it...
  3. Yeah, I was bored so I clicked on this link... The link I clicked on! It's a short DnD demo. But it owned. I don't know if anyone's interested...but I thought it would be fun to play a game or two. So...is anyone interested?
  4. How much is that in USD? I can't find my Windows CDs anywhere...
  5. What you do with them, is you replace the contents with soemthing poisonous, but the same color. That'll show 'em.
  6. Our whole car was stolen once, down in Kansas City. But I don't really remember anything that happened (I was too young). Recently, my mom's car was broken into. Her notebook was stolen. With all the crap we leave in there, you'd think other stuff would've been stolen with it...but then, knowing our town, it was probobly just some stoners.
  7. I still support the idea of code words... Seriously, consider code words, it'd be cool. I'd feel so gangster!
  8. First find your wallpaper, as in the file. Then post it online. On you own site, or another. Photobucket works nicely for this. The click the IMG button, insert the image location, and click the IMG button again. Or in the case of photobucket, just cut and paste the img line under the image itself.
  9. Whenever I want to type K', I always end up doing K'dash. It's so annoying. lol I always speak of his huge music collection. It shadows out everyone I know.
  10. That was cool...I guess... I need to go to some sort of Fighting Camp or something.
  11. La Tour - People are Still Having Sex (And nothing seems to stop them)
  12. Star Wars Galaxies is a prime example of a great idea gone bad. Omg....dancing wookies... My eyes...they BURN!
  13. How are these people's pics determined? By their avatar/sigs? Something I don't know about?
  14. Sega/Sammy should begin work on a the next-next-next generation console, to overpower the PS3/Next-BOx/Nintendo whatever. Shoot them down like the PS2 shot down the Dreamcast! And bring back the VBA!
  15. Doesn't seem bad to me. Here's an idea...why don't we start using codewords? An Emulator could be called...logs. And a rom, a firestarter. I'd have to work that out...
  16. No. Anywhos. I'm sure it's obvious which was my favorite. NINJAS! Yeah, I figured. My favorite class is...the Thief/Rogue/Space Pirate. They tend to say "Shazam" a lot when they attack. My second fave is the Galactic Demon, because they have craploads of Defense and nothing can hurt them. Damn, all those cool-sounding classes/monsters I've yet to discover...Have. to. play. more. Dood. That you do. Go now. Fly fly. And just a suggestion, try importing games from the U.S. I dunno, maybe you've thought of that before...
  17. No. Anywhos. I'm sure it's obvious which was my favorite. NINJAS! Yeah, I figured. My favorite class is...the Thief/Rogue/Space Pirate. They tend to say "Shazam" a lot when they attack. My second fave is the Galactic Demon, because they have craploads of Defense and nothing can hurt them.
  18. You do? Huh... Anywhey, does anyone know why I keep losing my wizards? At the level complete screen it just shows that 18 of my wizards were lost, for a reason I can't see. Except that it may be linked to my unit upkeep, which costed 1800. But if I paid their upkeep why would I lose them?
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