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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. I just read it in GMR. Fall though...that's awesome.
  2. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/05/03/news_6095165.html Rejoice! Tis' Heaven on Earth!
  3. I rate characters based on my overall experience with them. For example, the first match up was Link vs CATS (From Zero Wing). Experiences with Link: Wind Waker. Enough said. Experiences with CATS: The entire All Your Base are Belong to Us phenomenon. Including me listening to the song for hours on end. And playing the game, happily, just as much. Thusly I voted for CATS. Unfortunatly, this is GameFAQs. So the Fanboys won.
  4. But you already made a poll... And we've already decided, too! PUNISH THEM! (Oh, spank me!)
  5. My desktop might be a little too sexy, too... Oh, well. Here it is.
  6. I didn't think it was that bad. Wasn't very good either. But not something I'd destroy. Not that bad? That game is like RPG, only the walking around is done for you, and the fighting is done for you. It's like Pokemon Stadium without the fights. You have a point there....
  7. LOL. It's not too uncommin to find something with "Gokusupersaiyan2934934" as the screenname. Indeed it isn't... Hey dude. A word of advice...Try to only post one message per topic at a time. If you do feel you have to add something (it happens to me a lot) theres an edit button you can use to add stuff to your post. Or correct errors and whatnot. Use that unless someone's posted already. And thanks for coming dood! EXAMPLE: EDIT: I forgot to tell you not to post in topics off the first/second page. Bringing up old topics = SEVERE PUNISHMENT!
  8. What do you use as your away message in messenger programs? Or do you have a big list of them like me? Post your favorites!
  9. Don't forget to remove Air Fox. We're losing stable posters to it...
  10. I hate that...like after you've been chewing gum forever, and you go get a drink, it rips through your throat like a sandwhich made out of scissors.
  11. You're a bigger nerd bcuz you posted a off topic post just to do +1 to ur post count.... +100 nerd points to you "I'm a lvl 100 nerd, with one million hit points and maximum charisma!" Anywhey, I'll refresh for boards mainly, to see if anything's changed.
  12. Well, why not? Anything is possible over at GameFAQs. There are actually several forums that have nothing to do with gaming there. You need a high Karma count to access though. How do you get a high karma count you ask? Devote your life to telling people to "check the goddamn faqs!".
  13. Don't delete it... Save it, then bug the crap out of everyone on it! Knowing how stupid most people are...they probobly won't think to block you! Don't forget the sn itself! That reminds me of my computer applications teacher...if anyone left the computer logged on to their account, she'd delete all their files!
  14. That's... If video games influenced people, we'd all be running around neon-lit rooms munching pills and listening to techno music...? I'll look it up.
  15. Violence was actually born in "the village". So he could relate to it.
  16. I don't know who that is.. BUT HE'S FUNNY AS HELL!!!!!!! That's one of the BEST things I've seen in a while. Domo
  17. I didn't think it was that bad. Wasn't very good either. But not something I'd destroy.
  18. Someone please rate this from 1 - 10, also try to guess what members are in this wall paper. I'd rate it...an 8? I dunno. I'm not good at rating. The three inside the building are Mr. G, you, and MaidenMasher. The others...no clue.
  19. That's so incredible...I wish my brother hadn't somehow obliterated my Dreamcast... For that he will pay dearly...
  20. I think they made the boxes so big because...I dunno, because they could charge you more for them.
  21. I thought they were being executed...
  22. Sounds good to me. I've only played Front Mission briefly, but it was fun. Keep us posted?
  23. Dood, a Goomba would own! You should be able to play as one in the next Smash Bros.
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