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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. I'm vote Laharl all the way! [insert quote about being an overlord here]
  2. I guess Ash doesn't want to come back... That settles things.
  3. It just started, and already CATS is losing to fanboy (or girl as it may be) magnet Link. Well, we know it's probobly going to come down to Link and Cloud/Spehiroth...so which one of them will win?
  4. Sometimes, if you wash your hands, blood will come out instead of water. Also, if you sit around in the lounge long enough, the TV might turn on by itself, or the picture might start bleeding.
  5. I was gonna see it...then I heard it sucked. My dad still went to see it, despite my warnings. He cam back and said, "Well, that sucked. You're lucky you missed it."
  6. Yeah, go Futureshop!' Damnit though...I almost had it...whoever outbid me must die now.
  7. What list is this?
  8. Wow...that's a pretty underhanded strategy (no pun intended). I'll say again though, that Duel Masters is a lot like MTG. Not identical, but very similar. That includes the art, the art is excellent. Though still anime inspired, which some people may not like...
  9. Drink more booze! I didn't ask you if you were still concious did I?! Drink!
  10. I just noticed the improper grammar there. Makes it sound like a game wants us to review something. Does it? Seems that way to me... But whatever makes ya happy!
  11. How'd it mess up your story?
  12. I haven't played MTG in a looooong time. Like since I was 6. I collected pokemon cards for a while. Never really did play the game... I bought a few Yu Gi Oh cards once because I was really bored...I was flipping channels and saw the show (I didn't know what it was) and I thought it looked pretty cool (It was). I bought a few more cards but really only played with a couple other people. Recently, I bought some Duel Masters cards, because I saw some advertisements prior to their release that were cool. I figured if I started the game right when it was released I'd be able to stay on top of it. It's very similar to MTG, only more anime inspired, and less developed due to being in it's first or second expansion. I Dled the GBA game, but the graphics kinda sucked, might get it anyway, just because I like TCGs. I've tried a lot of the Yu Gi Oh games as well, but most of those are just horrible. I can only think of maybe two that are good, out of about 20.
  13. l33t indeed. I was gonna get UO once, but I never did. When it says it lowers reqs 100%, is that just for the helm itself? Or for everything you equip?
  14. I just noticed the improper grammar there. Makes it sound like a game wants us to review something.
  15. No, the 3rd edition Shadowrun rules are the best. They just haven't been converted to a fantasy environment yet...
  16. Game: Clock Tower System: SNES Emulators: ZSNES, SNES9X (Probobly More, but why use others?) This is a point and click adventure-horror game for the Super Nintendo. You're an orphaned girl, your father was a doctor. He once went on a house call and never returned... A woman named Ms. Mary, and a man, Mr. Barrows, adopt you and your friends. You're taken to their house, a huge mansion, complete with courtyard and clock tower. Ms. Mary leaves you to get Mr. Barrows, but she's taking a while to get back... You decide to go find her, but in the hallway, you hear a scream from behind you! You return to the foyer to find the room darkened, and you friends missing! Not a funny joke... At this point you're left to explore the house. Some of the game's events are random, giving it some more replayability. There are a huge number of endings available, not all of which you survive through... The more plot you uncover, the higher your ending. The game managed to scare me fairly often. I think this is mostly due to the fact that you're defenseless throughout the game. Your only choice is to run and hide most of the time. The music is also good, and adds to the scare factor. Major downsides: The translated rom is glitched as flock. Your health will often randomly plummet to its lowest level, and one scene is very glitched, to the point that you can't tell what's happening. Also, running depletes your health. I'm not sure if it can even be called health...maybe it should be called stamina instead, that makes more sense. And lastly, it's short, very very short. Unless you try to get all the endings. Speed: 6 GamePlay: 8 Graphics: 7 Sound: 9 Overall Score: 7.5 Grade: C+ This game is deserving of a
  17. Is it just DnD styled? Or does it actually follow the DnD system exactly?
  18. This is one of the reasons I don't play trading card games. Same reason here. That's the biggest downside to them...I'll generally use any money I have for video games, then if there's nothing coming out for a while, I'll buy some cards. The other downside to them is it can be hard to find other players, probobly the most annoying thing about anything that isn't online. But there's a card shop nearby that holds tournaments fairly often, so I don't have a problem there.
  19. Just wondering, I've always liked Card Games, even though most of them are aimed at children under 5. I just have a natural talent for them. EDIT: Should've made multiple a choice. Ya never know...
  20. What you need to do then...is just kick the crap out of whoever's takin' her CDs. That'll teach 'em.
  21. Psh, I could've told you that... So what's up with this hacker dude...do they even use that language anywhere anymore?
  22. I'm sure it can't be illegal... And if it is...then you learned something!
  23. The Star Wars Imperial March
  24. Just the title of the movie makes me want to see it. It sounds like something my friends would make, a recording of me trying to find food at 4 in the morning while I was drunk.
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