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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Lol, I remember reading this on the anniversary. It was great. Should have put the whole thing in QOTD.
  2. I might try it, too... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! I will pwn you all! Assuming I actually get around to doing it.
  3. Yeah, Clock Tower is pretty much up to par with Silent Hill. I'm thinking about getting Clock Tower 3 soon. Clock Tower 3 isn't really anything like the first 2. You've played it? Did you like it? I haven't played it yet, my friend did, and he said it wasn't anything as good as the first two. But I have an unlimited rental thing going on right now, I'll try it out for ya. I think I'll try The Suffering, too.
  4. It must suck living there man. Glad I live in the states...almost.
  5. Yeah, Clock Tower is pretty much up to par with Silent Hill. I'm thinking about getting Clock Tower 3 soon. Clock Tower 3 isn't really anything like the first 2.
  6. Never, your screwed. I can't wait to get it though, huge Gradius fan. I'm still looking for a copy of III and IV for the PS2.
  7. It is true, every word of it. I saw a pic of a fitness club the other day, it was on a hill. It had escalators leading to the front door...
  8. Well, in all my life, the thing that scared me most was Silent Hill. Or maybe Clock Tower, both are scary as hell. But I think the second one is more scary because you're always forced to run rather than fight. But...I guess the scariest place is in your hometown. A twisted, alternate version of your hometown. Complete with the amusement park scenes, the school, teh civil war prison...everything can be frightening if you make it look right.
  9. Greetings. I should start usnig Kaillera myself. Show off my fighting skills (or lack thereof).
  10. Vampire! I'm Willing To Bet That Thats Perfectly Normal For Most Of Us, And K'Dash, Do You Also Get A Headache Like Me? I remember once, I'd been up for a few days on my comp. Then I decicded I'd force my friend to take me to McDonalds at 6 in the morning for some McGriddles. I go outside and nearly collapse from the pain of sunlight. My pupils were so dilated from being in near darkness for so long I probobly damaged them severely.
  11. Lord Kanti's Wishlist 1. International FLCL day, where everyone has to skip work/school to watch FLCL, and give presents to each other. 2. A better computer. 3. Someone to do my lame history packets from the 70s. 4. Fried Rice
  12. Wow she's hot. The chick in pink you can see through the space between its forearm and shoulder. Walkin' around with some uber fat dude. Probobly forced to go there, and bored as hell.
  13. Trust me. Outside is overrated. Inside is better. Just think how many hours you can spend playing video games inside. Then consider how much time you play video games outside. That's right. The only time you've played video games outside, is the 5 hours you spent playing Boktai.
  14. Explain to me how Halo has endless possibilites... I was actually really dissapointed in Halo. I waited two years to get it, hoping the price would go down. It didn't. I bought it used for 45$ and I view it as one of the biggest mistakes I've made. 10 single player maps...and that's it. Multiplayer requires a crapload of people to actually be fun, which I don't have. If I'm lucky I can get 3 other people together at once. No bots = No fun.
  15. Trust me. Outside is overrated.
  16. Actually, direct sunlight gives me hives. And the heat makes my head itch. I swear it's gotta be like 60 degrees out there (Farenheit). Personally, I think we need a better cooling system out there, maybe we could use some sort of liquid cooling device. I could always get my self a slick tron-esque suit and fix my computer to it. Have a nice set of vid-goggles...an antenae for an internet connection. That'd be TIGHT!
  17. As an alternative to reincarnation, I could stay in hell. I'd own it within a week! God of Black Flame, Lord Kanti! *poses*
  18. Wow, I wish I had CPU power. I will soon though.
  19. But why is it called folding? O_o
  20. What exactly does it fold?
  21. If you used the Photoshop application, you can take out sections with the magic wand/cropping tool or w/e its called. Its the fastest way to remove stuff but it removes some pixels in the process :/ Oh, right, I get it. I never was much of a photoshopper.
  22. Well...just put the pixels back in? (I don't know what I'm talking about)
  23. Has anyone thought about getting the special SF PS2 controller? I saw on the back of my Game Informer mag the other day.
  24. it might mean nothing... you might not be religious! Good point. I swear upon my life then.
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