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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. I'm pretty sure that's the end of the game, or close to it at least.
  2. No, I'm not. I was screwing around in the arcade, and then she's all like, "How do I get there???", so I told her how to register.
  3. Actually, it's this chick sitting next to me in school. You were close though.
  4. I've slept on three chairs during a school assembly. Makes up for the sleep I lose normally.
  6. LordKanti would like to be viewed as an awesome cool robo dude!
  7. I'd come back as a babe. I like to try out all the possibilities in life. And I'm kinda perverted.
  8. You're all turkeys. Go home home and oose english properly.
  9. I want to destroy so many things it's hard to choose... I think I'll just blow up the world like any good evil genius would.
  10. I've fallen asleep in front of my comp before. I find the keyboard very comfortable. I actually have one computer positioned right next to my bed, so I don't have to move as much to get to it. I have a second one a few feet away, with a chair, and that's the one I usually use.
  11. I invert my view...usually. Sometimes I forget.
  12. I don't know how many of you visit Ubergeek.tv, but there's a great new game there... Penguin Blood Ninja Fiasco!!! ]It is, quite possibly, the best made flash game I've ever played! Post your opinion!
  13. Yeah, I thought that, too. Remember how long the SNES lasted? I used that forever.
  14. Original Equipment Manufacturer Ah, right, I get it now.
  15. I'm all for the rotissere oven idea. The worst part about my house is that all the food is located upstairs! Why go all the way up there to cook food, when you can do it from the comfort of your own living room!
  16. That's odd...I can access ABS just fine. Yeah, I can access it at home, but at school it just shows a bunch of path names.
  17. I'm having trouble viewing pages like Albnio Black Sheep and Newgrounds here. What's up with that? How do I fix it?
  18. Omg, I'm on a school computer, and I was "stuck" using IE as my browser. It was slow fraggin' slow and full of virii, popups, adware, and who know what else, every time I tried going somewhere it tried loading badurl grand street interactive or some crap. When I finally DID get to where I was going, 20 some popups...popped up. Theres also about 3 search bars up there, all saying they block popups. (0 Blocked). My progress could be compared to trying to put out a fire in hell. Finally, I dled Firefox, and tripled (or more) my speed. No popups, no adware, no crappy on working search bars...I can now surf the web and screw around in class, in peace.
  19. [Deleted at the request of some kind of uber god that hates IE]
  20. Wasn't the PS3 going to include a bunch of useless junk and cost 500$? Bam, Sony loses.
  21. So when I order all this, will it come with the wires and shizzle I need, or do I need to order all the connecting stuff separately?
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