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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Wait...who? What movies? Do they have many explosions in them? That might be why I haven't seen them yet.
  2. I love card games, and this is just insulting to them all! J/K. But I really do love card games. It's cool, but not something I'm going to buy.
  3. Purr. GC's menacing avatar and unholy initials piss me off.
  4. I'm actually at newegg looking at this stuff. I just don't know what I'm doing... There's two of us, but we can't figure it out.
  5. Alright, bringin' this back. Now designing computer. What kind of video card am I looking for? And what's an expansion slot? And does the material the case is made of affect it's performance?
  6. Spam, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam, spam, eggs, spam, and spam. Can I have the Spam, bacon, and eggs without the spam? Ewwwwwwwwww. What you mean ewww, I don't like spam! There's something not to get pissed off about.
  7. LOL! DOOD! Jack Black would make an awesome Green Lantern! He could like form a guitar from that ring thing and start wailin' on it! LOL!
  8. Jesus Christ! Size 2!! You're one tiny motherflocker. Well, I'm roughly the same size. You've got a problem with that??? Yes, yes I do! That pisses me off! J/K But seriously...size 2? I'm size 40! They're not even that big! Size 2'd have to be like a 10 inch waist!
  9. Now I'm pissed of that I spent 2 hours mowing the lawn and got heat stroke. I feel pain...
  10. So many fathers, when's your next dad's birthday?
  11. I should've added those to mine. But what exactly is SHUMPS an acronym for? Quick google search shows that some people say "shumps" but the more correct term is "shmups." A very good site about all shmups is here I couldn't find what the acronym means, but in old days the genre was called "Shoot 'Em Ups," so I think the accronym is roughly derived from there. I recently downloaded R-Type Leo for Mame - how awesome is that game! Ah, R-Type... Another thing...I used to love flight sims, but now I have surprisingly dropped out of them. Too many FPS, I guess. Shmups = Shoot 'em Ups R-Type Final owns hardcore. I actually prefer the Gradius series. Still awaiting Gradius V.
  12. SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM EGGS SPAM AND SPAM! I hate spam, it pisses me off. Disgusting false meat substitute!
  13. Da bald wieder Weihnachten ist, haben sich einige 1337 haxx0rs dazu entschieden, den Massen an unerfahrenen Usern im Netz ein paar schöne
  14. I was Smith, Mr. Anderson. I was hoping for Vader.
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