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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. FLCL fools, FLCL!!!!! Watch FLCL or Lord Kanti will smite you!!!!!
  2. Some dude who called himself Sarge tossed me here when I was looking for some kind of rom.
  3. Damn long update...that I didn't read. It's too long! 0_o As if I know what you're talking about anyway. I'd have to spend 5 minutes figuring it all out.
  4. People and their stupid collections...oi. Brb, I gotta go dust off my Transformers.
  5. Alright then. I'll look there. So what then, like Kazaa?
  6. Can you post some links? Belive it or not, reason and fruit loops tend not to pull up the site I'm looking for when googled.
  7. Might try it out then. As though I've found anything else yet.
  8. As said a few times before, Violence is a guy. Right, right. Thought so. So is that him in the pic then?
  9. Err, no. I think it actually had music in it's name. Is there a way to see everything you've had installed?
  10. I had some software for composing midis once, but the trial ran out. I went back to where I downloaded it, but I couldn't find it. I forgot what it's called so I can't just google it. If you know where I can find it, or another good composing tool, could ya tell me? BTW, it was a simple setup, it showed the musical score for each channel. You just clicked where you wanted notes. You could choose from about 120 some intsurments. I think the name had some M's in it, which probobly doesn't help, but might narrow it down. I reeeaaly want it back...
  11. well i've drawn out a diagram for you this picture is much clearer as you can see there is no NOSE picking action goin on, if i were to do that i'd reach in my bag and get some tissue Maybe we can REALLY clear this up for me now... Uh...is that you? And are you male or femlae?
  12. I have to agree with that ninja dood. Granted, if someone has an easy to do infinite combo thing or something you might call him high tier. I'd just call him cheap, but it's up to you.
  13. I actually liked some of the villains designs. Like the evil captain planet dood. He was all covered with sludge and stuff. I'm a big fan of evil/poison skills in my games. Also, the wind element often contains status ailments if they are not found in their own category.
  14. I guess you haven't played 3S... that's one of his supers (it doesn't matter which Super Art you pick; he can do it in all three). No, I have not played it, thanks to not owning a Dreamcast. Wow, no Dreamcast. That sucks. I have a Dreamcast, I just don't use it because it doesn't work worth crap anymore. I want to play Timestalkers again...
  15. We're the planeteers, you can be one too, cause saving our planet is the thing to do. Is it sad that I know the themes?
  16. I haven't seen it yet, but I want to. Dr. Octopus is one of my favorite villains.
  17. Dood, I was stuck camping the whole weekend, at a lame campground where we couldn't have fireworks. I'll not stand for this! Things must explode! I'll have to figure out something else to do to make up for it...
  18. I played EQ, too. For about 3 days. At first I'm like FUN. But it seems that the main process of Neverquest is this... 1. Kill a crapload of tiny monsters that take 5 minutes to find. 2. Die from a monster IDENTICAL to the ones you just spent HOURS killing. 3. Lose nearly ALL of your XP. 4. See 2 I want City of Heroes just because it'd probobly be fun to make my own hero and fly around a shoot lasers from my eyes and control gravity and whatnot. Same for City of Villains when it comes out.
  19. I fail to see how that's an achievement...
  20. ALL the kids in America talk like that. Y'know, my parent's caught my brother smoking? He's 8.
  21. I've played some with my friends, but I stopped because it seemed like no matter what I did I got owned. I got sniped ALL the time. I HATE that. Worse still, the only way I could have hit him was to go through an area where he could snipe me. What we need are more action RPGs for the Gameboy. Like Battle Network. Except we need to be able to play online with them.
  22. Well...I haven't seen a Brewmaster class in WoW yet, so until then I'll show my anger by voting for Everquest 2. Even though I KNOW THAT'LL suck.
  23. you played Jump Start 1st grade?? i just lke Unreal and UT (mainly its engine). the engine looks as good but not as hoggier than Q3. the Unreal/UT bots rocks too. on my Celeron 300 U/UT plays above decently with 7-12 bots (varies on level complexity), Q3 slugs pathetically with like 4 bots (samey with level complexity but i got better mileage with UT). goddarn efficient programmers they have there. Well...yeah...technically. I think my favorite shooter is Megaman. That's an awesome shooter. Not First-person, but still awesome.
  24. Uh, yeah, I wear shoes. I found them in the street. They don't match, but then, when do I leave my house anyway. I'm fine with my 10$ sandals. I don't even remember where I got them.
  25. IT'S CORRUPTING OUR FUTURE!!! Maybe not, but still, the amount of kids in my school that listen to that crap is astounding. Worse yet, everyone who isn't in drama is on some sort of drug, and they all have cell phones, for what reason I don't know. And they're all racist. They're even racist against they're own race, it's sad.
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