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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. So this Vega is really M. Bison, not the dood with the claws?
  2. Hey man, at least Jesus loves little children. *snicker*
  3. Man, you stole my idea. I couldn't agree more. I fully endorse this idea.
  4. What is he talking about?! The battle scenes were awesome! And, and, the samurai was...awww forget it, I haven't seen any of these.
  5. Now here's the real question. Which direction do the songs make more sense in? I for one don't understand Stairway to Heaven's lyrics at all.
  6. Yup, you said it there. I will only build my computers, none of that store bought crap. But not everyone has the technical know-how on how to build one. I'm sure it can't be that hard. I'll go that route then. Any advice you can give me on that?
  7. So is shared memory bad? Or are you telling me to get a different one with shared memory? And also, what's the most efficient way to reduce lag?
  8. I need a new comp to play more recent games. I was wondering if this one would work well. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?ty...27909403&cmp=++ If not, do you know of one that would work for about the same price?
  9. Review City of Heroes. It looks cool, but I'd have to upgrade my comp before I could actually play it, which would cost a lot. Assuimng my computer hasn't achieved antique status and won't fetch me a small fortune on Ebay.
  10. Yeah, I take summer classes, too. But only because I failed them when I took them the first time.
  11. Lol, remember that part in Little Nicky where they were showing each other subliminal messages. The satan worsipper doods showed him one song, I don't remember what, it might have been stairway to heaven. Then Nicky showed him something else, it was like some 50's lounge music or something, he played it backward and heard someone screaming something about worshipping satan, and it was perfectly understandable. Maybe someone else could explain it better.
  12. That goes for the one of us. You know you spend too much time on 1emu when... You'd prefer people called you by your screen name instead of your real name.
  13. Wow, I guess I spend too much time here. You know you spend too much time here when... You make multiple accounts to hold every high score slot in the arcade.
  14. If anyone hasn't seen this yet, watch the promo clips. http://www.mega64.com
  15. I couldn't read the whole thing for fear of losing too much of my IQ.
  16. Beef and Green Pepper. But I'll eat anything that stays in the norm. i.e. No pineapple mexican iraqian pizza.
  17. I don't think a lot of those games are coming out til the end of the year... My List: Front Mission 4 Megaman Battle Network 4 (probobly both versions) A better computer so I can play... City of Heroes Alice D2 w/out lag Eventualy: Silent Hill 4 Resident Evil 4 Gradius V Megaman Zero 3 Megaman "something" mission (The rpg) Tales of Symphonia
  18. hey, it fits you hell yeah it does Ha ha! Loser prep! I was in the geek box. But I think there's a little bit of goth in me, too. And is anyone else noticing a trend?
  19. I hate spelling bees, I don't think some of the words even exist. There was one that meant "like a deer, antelope, or buck", or something. The word was hard enough to pronounce, let alone spell.
  20. Psh, I could do that. All that Space Channel 5 and Gitaroo Man might finally pay off. I could have my own 1.5 minute movie on the internet.
  21. I lag a lot in D2. Which is sad, because NO computer should suck enough to lag in D2. And D2 lag is nasty. You'll be attacking normally, and it'll look that way, but when you realize they're health isn't going down, you know you've been screwed. Few seconds later (or in my case 10-20), a message pops up saying something like "You have died" "You've lost * gold" "Press esc to continue" And then I get pissed at it (This happens a few times a minute for me sometimes) and go back to my firm reliable consoles.
  22. The only thing different about it is it looks like a NES controller. Which is awesome.
  23. I don't really think the PS2 or XBOX lose anything because they can play other forms of media. The games are just as good. In fact, more of my fav games or on the PS2 and XBOX.
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