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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. I'm a dragon. I was reading a book on it in a tea house thing once, and it gave a description so much like me...omg...I don't even know how to describe it. It was EXACTLY like me, in every possible way. Madness...
  2. I actually participated in the national school walk out. I was out there with about 3 pre-middle school girls...yeah...but I got out of school. IMO all the crap that's going on in Iraq is just that, crap. It started as crap, it continued as crap, it is STILL crap. I don't think it's ever going to be anyting else. Haven't we killed what's his name? Why don't we just leave?
  3. Do the lefties have a special leftie mouse? You're all so special.
  4. I just buy everything anyway. Versatility baby! (Red Mage reference)
  5. I agree. They're not that many RE characters to begin with, none that really had the kind of fan appeal as Jill does. So we should really just stick with her for a couple more years. They need to add the Nemesis!!! How is HE a forgettable character!!! Also, they should add Ryu from Breath of Fire (was that his name?). It'd be cool to transform into a dragon and kick their ass.
  6. Wow, other browsers...may I be free from M$ forever!
  7. yeah seriously, aren't people supposed to make breakfast a hella big meal? or the biggest meal of the day? dude, seriously, you wouldn't believe how many ppl I know that actually skip breakfast cause they wanna lose weight!!! seriously, out of all the f*cken meals they're received each day they decide to skip the most important one! it's stupid I miss breakfast sometimes...not on purpose though.
  8. I stay up all night. No sleep for me, that's what school is for! Seriously, I fell asleep in gym once...but that's another (old at that) story.
  9. The south is too hot, that's what's wrong with it. I'd live in Canada, away from the RIAA. But ultimately, no matter where I am, I'd live in my basement.
  10. It's not that big, and I use the same resolution. It only takes up 2/3 of the screen. Maybe a little less.
  11. I wanted to make a series..."Hot Question" was the first name that came to mind...so I went with it... And it worked excelently.
  12. I know this topic is old...but I just thought of one of the most-needing-a-sequel games ever! Splatter House! Do you have any idea how awesome that would look in 3D? Yeah, anywhey...continue with your regular posting....
  13. Co-op would be great, as long as we have more 2D platform shooters. We need more fraggin' 2D platform shooters!
  14. What's unfinished with that? Everything I can think of works fine... The NES emulators though...all of mine run really slow and chop up my music. Someone should fix those first.
  15. Yes, it's Front Mission Online. Yeah I forgot, they ARE making a new Front Mission game. I've only played the first one. And who said it was online?
  16. I'm sure he meant FFXII. But I don't think it will be the last in the FF series....on the PS2, maybe. Just because it's the FINAL Fantasy, doesn't mean Square can't make other games... They could continue their Romancing Saga series, as long as they made it suck less. Saga Frontier was good, what they were on when they made Unlimited Saga is beyond me. Maybe they could make/remake/continue a good Strategy RPG as well, I'd buy that.
  17. Anime are NOT cartoons. I am stongly against that, too many differnces. My favorite cartoon is probobly South Park. My favorite ANIME (a different thing) is FLCL. Coming in second is Lain, or maybe Legend of Black Heaven, or maybe.Hack, or Cowboy Bebop, or Kenshin, or...
  18. I could type a huge list of games, but I'm not going to. And did you mean FFXII? You wrote FFXIII, even though I was told XII was the last one.
  19. I like oldies, too. Especially when they're redone in metal/rock. Like Alien Ant Farm's Smoot Criminal.
  20. Congrats man. My tests are coming....First one is on Wednesday (economics), then Thurday (law)... then a week from now, low-level programming and Access/SQL databases on the same day. Good luck to you man. Good luck to you all. Programming scares me, I hate it. I took C++ in high school and was like "flock programming, I'll just consume instead." I read C++ for dummies. Not that I'm unintelligent, it was just on sale.
  21. Metal, all metal. Iron, copper, nickel, you name it, I listen to it. I like its soothing quality.
  22. The Gimp? That doesn't sound like anything powerful to me...
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