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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Nice KFC sticker... Yeah I have a pretty messy comp area myself. It looks like I have an empty butter tub back in there...
  2. The most important part of an RPG is the battle system. Or even more important, the char development system. For instance, FFX sucked because it made you play some kind of crappy board game to make your characters more powerful. If you took the time to level enough, all of your characters could do EVERYTHING. Your black mage could attack for 99999 damage every couple seconds without giving it another thought. For better examples, look at some MUDs (do any of you even play them?). They're basically a text based everquest. A "God" character, creates a world using simple commands. You move through "rooms", which could be an actual room, or a huge barren section of desert. At chargen you pick your race and class, and then that's usually it. Some MUDs (like Materia Magica) still let you move through almost every class, leading to 400 some identical level 440 characters. Which is utter crap... Others, like Ivalice ( A FF based MUD), never allow you to change classes, making a much broader character base. Naturally there are still SOME problems with it. For one I'd like SOME graphics, even if they're not using the latest graphics engine. Even some Nes graphics would be okay, I just don't like reading so much text...especially when it's dull, boring, and copied and pasted from room to room. It would also be nice to form an acutal party, instead of just soloing the whole thing (which can technically be overcome by partying with other characters, I'm just not that social). If leveling takes to long you'll end up stuck for a few days in one area, killing the same mobs over and over again. Also combat is often automated physical attacks exchanged between the participating combatants (though ou can use skills and spells in addition). As I've said before, visuals are also important. A game is almost nothing without a cool finishing move! One of the best parts of ANY game, is discovering/acquiring a new attack and trying it out on the next boss character. Having annoying, crappy, cliche'd characters is also a major drawback to an RPG. Tidus, I'm looking at you... . Disgaea had some good, fresh characters (the main character is the Prince of Hell, how often do you see that?). Also containing good characters is Knights of the Old Republic, a Star Wars RPG. The conversations available between the characters are great. My favorite part of the game was on a side mission where you had to settle a land/kidnapping dispute among two rival families. I got around to a final confronation, where, through my expert verbal skills, managed to get them to kill each other... And story, a great thing to have, it makes up for the lack of greatness in other sections. Though if it's TOO bad, like Wind Waker (granted, not a real RPG), you get annoyed and quit before you leave the first area. So, with my rant over, I have determind the most important aspect of an RPG to be undetermined...though I hope that you may make better decisions based on my incredible info.
  3. Unfortunatly...yes, my beloved genre is dying... I'LL MISS YOU FOREVER! On a lighter note, Gradius V is due out later this year! It was already delayed once though...I hope it still gets finished.
  4. The effect video games have on a person is dependent upon the way they are used... Take me for example. I have an IQ of 160-something, an indicator that I might be doing well in school. I am NOT. I am failing English and US History. I believe this is because I've been "desensitized". Often when asked how I felt about a certain selection, I simply cannot answer. Another reason of my less than acceptable grades, is that not only do I never do any work at home, I also spend all night, and most of the morning, gaming. This leads to a lack of sleep, or more often, sleeping in school. I HAVE fallen asleep in gym before. The weight machine felt really comfortable at the time.
  5. Yeah I hate windows too. I mean, I come inside to get AWAY from light. And then someone has to go cut a hole in the wall and let it in again! Really annoying...
  6. Ahhhh...that explains it. I thought you were just insane. 9-11 brought the whole series down.
  7. We need more games like that! 3D sucks!
  8. I so want to play that game....damn it! It should be released soon. End of the month all you Europeans. Best 2D example ever.
  9. 2D FOREVER! Why? They have better graphics. 3D games don't have as much style as 2D games. I play a lot of Gameboy for this reason. Don't forget Disgaea! The perfect marriage of the two. Except for the Dark Cannons, those are kind of glitched...
  10. ditto. I just wanna mow em all down by the time i get halfway though the level. But codes like that dectract the player from the experience of "dying". Agreed. I've never cheated on a hitman game. I've been tempted to, but it really would ruin the whole point of the game. Cheats are BAD! NEVER USE THEM! The last time I used cheats...I was 9.
  11. Ignorance, or downright stupidity. Bad food. Button mashers "So? I obviously mashed the RIGHT buttons." English class People who chew tobacco in class...
  12. Exactly. I normally play for fun. But I can pretty competitive sometimes...
  13. I don't even buy CD's. I think they can make enough money off of T-shirts and concerts.
  14. Good answer! I've got another one: 'do you think you'll be breathing for the rest of your life?' Actually I'm hoping to find a way to STOP breathing, it might get in the way of video games. Sleeping and eating are also major problems I have to deal with.
  15. That track is so psychedelic. I love it. Go and check out the music section of Albinoblacksheep for a surprise. Totally agree with you. Warfare - Command & Conquer OST
  16. I agree with you on that. It'd be great. I think there should be more games where you play as the antagonist and try to cause the apocalypse. Is that just me?
  17. C'mon! We need more Capcom voters! Capcom ownz SNK.
  18. Capcom Capcom Capcom, The VS. series, Street Fighter, Darkstalkers...Super Puzzle Fighter, it's all great.
  19. Megaman can own you at times. The first few fights are always hard. But once you get all your health upgrades and fancy armor suits, it gets alot easier. I wish I had an awesome armor suit...
  20. goldenaxe? that was a 4 player arcade game and they could cast spells. not sure =o No, that wasn't it for sure. This was a two player game where you could choose one of 3 characters. And it was modern-futuristic, no axes or stuff like that. I might know what you're talking about... Was it like...Gun-something?
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