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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Until the day I die! And my death will probobly have something to do with video games. If I can help it, I'll game even after I die.
  2. 5 hours? I can play for 25 hours! And do! Often! My parents worry about me for a reason... I play my dreams with a joystick...
  3. My dad'll play sports games sometimes... He works for Best Buy, so he's far from a techno phobe. My mom recently bought one of those anthologies of a bunch of old games. (Pacman, Galaga, etc.)
  4. ... Wait, what? So...the Matrix would exist inside tha Matrix, which would be in the Matrix?
  5. EDIT: And that's what happens. I'm not doing it right. I can put the picture on a page...but how do I get the.gif extension, it's normally.html...
  6. Old games are great, but usually, the newer versions are improved. SF2 is great, but SF3 is just as good. However, if it was translated into full 3D...it would suck. And what about SF2 Super Turbo...doesn't that have turbo?
  7. Yeah...we were talking about why we exist or something for a couple posts, so I quoted the Matrix about purpose and whatnot. Then everyone started on the matrix. I swear it's not my fault.
  8. Uhh...The Wind Waker link. Yeah, he'd get his arse kicked.
  9. You're lucky. I don't even HAVE an arcade near me. I'd have to drive more than an hour to reach an arcade.
  10. *Performs maiden masher plus follow up special on Axl That would be the most silliest game ever created. Come on man, Pikachu vs Justice from GG? Mario vs Blanka? LMAO hahahahah Dream vs Games: Last Blade vs Guilty Gear SF Third Strike vs. Garou MOTW Tekken vs Virtual Fighter Personnaly, I'd love to kick a pokemon's ass with Captain Commando, or Hayato. Or own Mario with the Nemesis. Or rip Link and Zelda apart with M. Bison.
  11. Uhh starcraft beat halo Oh did it? I said it was really close! Now I can sleep a little better at night.
  12. Wow. My parents are always like, "That's illegal, we better not get fined, let's go camping in the ocean!!!!!!!" It get's really annoying.
  13. IMO = In my opinion ANON = Uh...some kind of...prayer thing I think? I dunno. And AFAIK = Away from an internet...komputer. I'm not the expert here.
  14. WTF, we all know Disgaea needs to be in there. Well...maybe not all of us... But nontheless, Wind Waker blew, Halo was only average, etc., etc. I was mad that Halo beat Starcraft, even though it was close. And Disgaea owns all. We should have our own BGE tourney.
  15. To understand why you have to go back to Ghostbusters. "I am the Gatekeeper, are you the Keymaster?" "Yes, I am the Keymaster..."
  16. I liked Darkstalkers. I never actually played it (didn't used to play many fighting games), but the characters looked cool. And that's what really does it for me in the end, graphics. Kick ass stylish moves are just as important as actual gameplay.
  17. Excitebike already had a sequel, Excitebike 64. And it probobly wasn't nearly as good.
  18. If I actually went to Australia, I'd totally go there.
  19. http://www.pole-land.com/flashdocs/ffa.html One of the best Flash I've seen in a long time.
  20. Can someone make a list of music from the pre/early-90's that a more recent artist has redone? More so, will someone?
  21. *points to modified* I logged on to some chick trying to verbalize Crazy Train!
  22. DUDE, even your ROCK is Techno. That's insane! Not that anything's wrong with techno, if you're in the right mood.
  23. Must...restrain...scissors... Run N30 run!
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