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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Does it just play through Winamp like that?
  2. ...I always thought wrestling entertainment WAS harsh.
  3. BAH! Scissorman is the major enemy of the game Clock Tower. I searched google as thourghoughly as possible but was unable to find a pic of him anywhere... I was hoping someone here could help.
  4. ...so some dude asked some High school girls to be the best sumo wrestlers ever?
  5. I'm officially going to start playing RO. I'll keep ya posted! Still trying to successfully download client...
  6. By day, a mere high school student... By night...a homicidal demon child, wielding a large pair of scissors and stalking children...and occasionaly XEternity. I also enjoy video games, anime, and the black arts.
  7. I need a good pic of scissorman. If anyone can find one let me know.
  8. One of my monitors doesn't show the color red... It's really annoying, it makes the screen too dark.
  9. It would be music(metal), but my queue looks empty right now.
  10. Agreed. Riced out cars suck. 1967 Pontiac GTO...greatest car EVER! But not like that one in Fast and the Furious. Or maybe a 1969 Dodge Charger. That is also a fantastic vehicle. yep give me a chopped 54 chevy or 50 ford shoebox anyday. given a choice I'd choose one of those over a lamborgini or farrari I've never been a huge fan of Lamborginis. I'd take a Porsche over anything anyday. Porsche rules the road. But one day I'm going to buy a '67 GTO...it's going to be sweet as hell. And a Chevy Impala because I just love those 50s fins. And if I have any money left over I'm getting a '65 Cobra. Doods...the Gremlin is obviously better than all other cars in every way. Why don't people understand?!
  11. I get it you've never played the original japanese version of SMB. Which is much harder then the US version. Is it? That must be it then.
  12. Why does everyone think Mario is hard?! I DONT GET IT!!
  13. "An alright game"? Wft is wrong with you? Kingdom Hearts is one of the best games Square has ever put out. The realtime battle concept was pretty good, and the story was so-so, but the thing i hated about the game was the damn camera angles. The camera angles were sucky, but not enough to make me stop playing. That's another game I haven't played yet...it's a greatest hit now right?
  14. I don't think playin against pros count's as a hard game... I mean, it's hard, but any two player game is hard if you play it against a pro. That could make Monopoly hard!
  15. It is a great game, but I lost my copy...I'm sure it's pretty cheap now though.
  16. are there any of Bush With a cheese hat on? or a joint in his mouth? with a rolled up dollar in his nostril while holding a bottle of tequila That's exactly what we need. And he could have his hand up in the air, like during one of his drunken speeches. I can picture it now...
  17. ...no comment, no commizzle at all. ... Oh now look what you made me do!
  18. You got me there! I am no historian, so I can't prove what you have just said The bottom line is: Having a religion is a good thing, IMO. THere is no religion in the world that ask you to do evil. Whether it is Judaism, Islam, Christian or Buddhism, all religions ask us to live in peace with each others and love one another. So, basically, have a religion, kids Peace blows. I'd rather die on a killing spree than live...in peace! Kanti if you really believe that why aren't you in the Armed Forces???? Why aren't you in Iraq??? Why are you instead on the net talking crap??? Man I hate it when people talk crap when they don't understand anything...War is not good. My family has lost 2 uncles because of war (They were in the Indian Army and died defending their country) and it is not easy...so STFU The world must be in a constant balance of good and evil... Within all good there is evil, and within evil good... So yeah, I try to balance things out.
  19. I can see where this is going... I don't know how to post a pic like that so... http://www.ubersite.com/m/19993
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