You got me there! I am no historian, so I can't prove what you have just said The bottom line is: Having a religion is a good thing, IMO. THere is no religion in the world that ask you to do evil. Whether it is Judaism, Islam, Christian or Buddhism, all religions ask us to live in peace with each others and love one another. So, basically, have a religion, kids Peace blows. I'd rather die on a killing spree than peace! Kanti if you really believe that why aren't you in the Armed Forces???? Why aren't you in Iraq??? Why are you instead on the net talking crap??? Man I hate it when people talk crap when they don't understand anything...War is not good. My family has lost 2 uncles because of war (They were in the Indian Army and died defending their country) and it is not STFU The world must be in a constant balance of good and evil... Within all good there is evil, and within evil good... So yeah, I try to balance things out.