I've played 7-10 all the way through, and then got all the secret crap, even maxed out my character's stats in some of them, and I can honestly say that they're all pretty much crap. A huge majority of the game content is difficult only in the aspect of level. Sometimes not even then. This is especially true of FF9, where the whole game can be played with your characters at level 1, and if you do decide that running from every battle isn't your cup of tea, they'll all be hitting the damage cap as easily as they breathe. That's not even the worst part. The worst part is reaching the end of the game only to realize that you can't get some fancy weapon or spell because to get it requires some cockheaded scheme of running around the correct pixel in the middle of a desert seven times clockwise and three times counter or some bullshit that makes no sense that you would never do if there wasn't a guide telling you to. The best example of this is FFXII, where there are four chests that are completely identical to every other chest in the game, except for the fact that opening them screws you out of the most powerful weapon later. I'd go on, but I've already done this a few times on this forum alone. I think I've said enough to make my point.