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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Then that should be our goal! The only way to achieve world peace is to wipe out all life on the planet! Let's get started.
  2. Oh, my god, you're right! We're not limited to sitting on our asses and bitching. We can get up, go stand out in the cold, and biatch as a group! Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?!
  3. Actually we can, people are just too lazy to do something about it. Okay, so, since we're all just lazy. Give me a list of what's currently wrong with the government, and then tell me what I can do to change it.
  4. We can't fight against the government. They're stronger than us. They've already won. They're going to milk us and squeeze us and drain us of assets to pad their luxurious homes and 90% of the population is going to enjoy it.
  5. I usually don't play games more than once, so I pawn them off when I'm done with them. Every once in a while, I end up wanting to play one again, but that's pretty rare. PS2 Gradius V Persona 3 Shin Megami Tensei 3 (Nocturne) We<3Katamari GC PSO 1&2 PSO 3 (Gamestop won't accept these for trading ) Resident Evil 4 Tales of Symphonia Resident Evil Viewtiful Joe Viewtiful Joe 2 Bomberman Jetters Metroid Prime 2 DS Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker Etrian Odyssey Final Fantasy III SNK v Capcom Card Fighters DS Digimon something Dusk Yoshi's Island DS Pokemon Pearl Wii Mario Party 8 Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
  6. Super Robot Wars is a long standing series of Strategy RPG games featuring mecha from many popular and just as many unpopular anime. There is no action on your part, all you do is tell your pilots what to do in a turn based fashion. The stories and animations are usually really dramatic and action filled, though.
  7. Just because someone gave Tecmo's Deception a one because it was too satanic doesn't mean that the reviewers are biased or poor at rating games.
  8. I tend to read all the reviews at GameFAQS. Like, all of them. Eventually I get enough of an idea about the game that I'll know whether I want it or not regardless of the scores people gave it.
  9. I just had this idea for an FPS that contained mechanics, weapons, and characters from an assortment of other FPS. It'd be like the various fighting game compilations, but for FPS.
  10. Not to throw the thread off topic three days since the last post, but why do so many people think Zelda is an RPG when it lacks approximately every quality you would normally attribute to an RPG?
  11. dude what's your steam ID we should play some TF2 sometime mines ragingMAD add me Mondo, I think. I'm still getting used to Steam, haven't used it much. Used to play everything using someone else's account. *wink*
  12. Portal. I love Portal. All hail Portal.
  13. I think the entire rating system used by most people is crap. An 8.9 for Zelda should be considered PHENOMENAL, not subpar. What's worse is that I've never seen a game rated anything between one and five. Even this six is surprising. I have no doubt that the majority of, if not all, reviewing companies are heavily influenced by producers. On the bright side, most games aren't complete piles of crap. They're usually at least decent average quality games. You tend to know the kinds of games you enjoy, so as long as you stick to those, the reviews fed to you by a corrupt media won't leave you hurting after a bad purchase.
  14. Not to assist in changing the thread subject, but I didn't think there was a Front Mission for the DS. I figured he was emulating.
  15. It changes depending on how I focus.
  16. There are FPS beside Team Fortress 2? I hadn't noticed them.
  17. Doesn't that maybe hint as to what happened here? Just a suggestion. Also in said threads, my house doesn't have a history of violence nor murders or weird deaths. It's just a run on the mill house with freaky encounters is all. History is often distorted. New evidence coming into the light could change history quickly. Perhaps this encounter meant to do that. Or perhaps we're both crazy. It depends on your religion.
  18. Doesn't that maybe hint as to what happened here? Just a suggestion.
  19. Clever, but isn't that kind of alienating non-english users?
  20. Id like to take the Risk of Warning or Permanent Ban to Publicly tell you FUCK YOU. Your Ignorance is just Disturbing It was meant as a joke, but okay.
  21. The true face of rap?
  22. Watch out for spoilers!
  23. It's not just your race, dude. I estimate 60% or more of the white population behaves in an identical manner. I see it all the time. I have yet to comprehend why suburban white children are acting like urban black children, but whatever, to each their own.
  24. I've been afk for a week, but I think the last emulator I used was the Visual Boy Advance where I played one of the Fire Emblem games. I was also playing Bahamut Lagoon on the ZSnes for a bit in there, and something else I think I'm forgetting.
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