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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Everything's checked but the player isn't on the list.
  2. That falls under, "Give to beggars and poor kids."
  3. So it used to be my MP3 player would jack in to a USB port, and it would show up in my computer as a removable drive. It doesn't do that anymore. It still shows up anywhere else I look for it, it's still detected by Amala (my computer), but it doesn't show up as a drive. This is a pain. Hopefully this isn't related to a failing bios like the clock issue. My friend actually suspected that before the clock issue, but I managed to work around getting a new motherboard. Any thoughts?
  4. this wasn't the kids mom it was the kids dad. This is an interesting theory, but she said she was a woman.
  5. I would say...maybe. The stuff I usually see in there happened in the last week, but I can't say whether any doubts about the charge were resolved or if the criminals were minors.
  6. What about Tentacruel? Those tentacles aren't just for show, if you know what I mean.
  7. The biggest issue with this is that I can never tell whether it's comparing the Wii to the Gamecube or the Xbox.
  8. It's more God of War content. There isn't anything worth improving in the first game, all you really need are more levels to go through. It's the kind of stuff I look for in a sequel.
  9. I do not feel safe. Recently I have been worried it, which kinda pisses me off. I think they should mind their own business and let me pirate my music.
  10. My friend was a tank. He was really good, too, main tank for the guild. I tried tanking once after the expansion came out, but it's so hard for a Paladin to hold aggro sometimes. The party wasn't exactly helpful, either.
  11. I have about 20 gigs of music last I checked. If I was asked, I'd say I listen to Pagan Metal, but my collection ranges from Dimmu Borgir to Enya.
  12. I loved Ergheiz when it came out, I had a lot of fun with it. I somehow doubt I would feel the same about it if it were released today, with my broader knowledge and experience with fighting games. Also, Ergheiz included a dungeon crawling game that was almost completely separate from the fighting portion, which made it more worth it.
  13. I saw it at The Basement. It was free, but I feel like they owe me money anyway. Seriously, that was a pile of crap. Too much romantic drama, not enough action, not enough alien symbiote, not enough anything cool, really. It was hilarious when Spiderman jumps in front of this massive American flag before going off to fight the villains though.
  14. but... what if you couldn't win at all? >_> Then you keep fighting for the XP. Eventually you'll reach the same level as them and can begin competing. Or die, whichever comes first.
  15. I haven't lost faith in IQ tests, but I have no trust in this one. I scored 136, in the past I've gotten 164 and 148. I think it was even from the same test. Maybe I'm slowly getting less intelligent. Wait, no, the 148 was before the 164. Minor details.
  16. I'm pretty much just loving the whole thing. Trying to get certain things is annoying after a few days of trying, but still love the progression so far. Believe it or not, I paid for this game. I don't remember the last time I did that, I think it was WoW two or so years ago.
  17. I'm partial to Gregorio's Tainted Lovers from stage eight. Played some Pokemon Pearl, Guild Wars, and EVE recently.
  18. I found it on 4chan. VERY reliable site, trust me.
  19. New pics just came in! Game to contain alternate, lighter, storyline to Final Fantasy 7. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v389/Lor...ti/pilofite.jpg
  20. I would have to disagree on this. I like how they specialized the jobs in FFIX where only certain characters can steal, cast magic or summon. The bosses are a bit on the easy side though. i don;t have much problems destroying Ozma. But the Hot N Cold mini game is oh so addictive! BTW, this game look like Eirgheiz, a fighting game. COuld it be? I liked the specialized jobs, too. That's how it's supposed to be. But the game can be finished with all of your characters at level one, and max damage is not some feat you've achieved after hard work, but something that just happens and is expected to be done. In truth, everything past six (except for 11 and possibly 12 as I haven't and don't intend to finish it) made 9999 or 99999 damage something you just had to reach to do everything which I find rediculous.
  21. Everyone is lame in FFIX. It's the easiest game in the series. You'll hit max damage without trying.
  22. Engine is optional, we can use our school one or use free ones on the net. So, we need to code the game and graphics. then my suggestion. USE AN ENGINE is there a certain coding lanaguage you must use? It all has to be done in Python. The entire thing.
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