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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Goddamn. flock sony. Can't do anything right these days.
  2. I can dig it. I intend to spread this deep and meaningful knowledge.
  3. Would you let him sleep with your childern? Yeah I thought so. That ***** is guilty. Look at him. Come on now. Thats like saying O.J. didnt do it, and tyson didnt bite holleyfields ear off. I wouldn't let my kids sleep with anyone but other children their age. And there was a lot more evidence against O.J. and video footage of the Tyson Holleyfield fight. There was actually evidence against the credibility of the accuser in the most recent MJ trial that revealed them to have commited fraud of such claims in the past. So no, it isn't really like saying that at all.
  4. Some combination of people playing without any items but the double shot, people complaining about kill stealing and souble teaming (using nothing but acronyms), and having to use internet explorer to play the game really turns me away from it now.
  5. That game rules. It's all like weeeroooweeeerowrwor, wrooooooooong. Only the text is music.
  6. Same can be said about any genre of music if you look at it like that. Or is it safe to say that the "Un-Talented" can write lyrics that make sense, grab the listeners attention, and rhymes?? Music can certainly be considered a learned skill, though for the most part I'm just being rude and insulting people.
  7. We need a Catch Up buttong that marks all posts as read. It's good, just trust me.
  8. He doesn't want us to know his skin color. He remains shrouded in mystery.
  9. I'm fine so far, but then, it's still only morning here.
  10. "Wasted talent" is an interesting term as it requires the subject to have talent.
  11. God of War. It didn't suck. This differentiates it from everything I've played for the past three or four months. Except for just before that, when I played Rockman & Forte for the SNES. It sucked on the Gameboy, but it's good on the SNES.
  12. I like light gun games, but I don't remember the SNES having any good ones. I remember renting Yoshi's Safari once, and they didn't give me the light gun, so I got home and tried playing it, but it sucked. Later on I emulated it, and it sitll sucked, so I guess I didn't miss much.
  13. Mazedude - Super Metroid Norfair Deathmarch OCRemix
  14. I unzipped a jpeg recently. It felt weird.
  15. I can dig it. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
  16. Then it's gonna be worth a lot. Using the supply/demand model, supply is a single copy of the game, which means demand is no doubt pretty high. I'd start at 50-100$.
  17. Yep, I guessed right. Isn't 12 dollars for a blood donationg a bit low, though? I think we get more here in America. Could be wrong though.
  18. Finntroll - Trollhammaren Bland skuggor rider en odjur. Som en svarta träd. Griper hård på en mäktig hammar. Ut för svaga kristna blod. TROLLHAMMAREN! TROLLHAMMAREN! Trollhammaren sveper igen! Hugga ned, broder igen! Hör det sista ropet - Trollhammaren är här! TROLLHAMMAREN! Han är inte en människa. Inte bräcklig och svag som dig. Du ska vara maktlös. Inga ögon ser din änd. TROLLHAMMAREN! TROLLHAMMAREN! Sedan mörkret övertog. Räds den frostens kalla fingrar. Som griper tag och förlever. Under kommande vinternatt. TROLLHAMMAREN! TROLLHAMMAREN! TROLLHAMMAREN!
  19. All right, here's some stock for ya. Not sure exactly how to make a signature out of that, personally. Try to stretch it out, or do some cool design with it. Maybe try one out with some color. Try to keep the words Mondo and Obey on there some where, too.
  20. This game is made of win and god. Won't you please have my children? If it's at all possible, we should add this to our Arcade so we have our own High Score table. I don't know how that process works though. Edit: Oh, once you lose (or win) it lets you shove your score into a group. So everyone just add their score to the group "1emulation". Easy as pie.
  21. That one RPG where you're a vampire acting like you aren't. Sucked though, so I quit playing that, too.
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