Wii: The Wiimote is a pile of crap. It's too difficult to control, it used to randomly snap off and break things, and the innovation it offers involves a bunch of sorry excuses for a minigame. At the same time, it's pretty well priced, and it has some decent games on it. Too many games are going to fall back on the annoying gimmick of pointing your wiimote at the screen or flailing it around like a sword, though. It would have been a better system if the ditched all the innovative motion sensing for a normal controller. Of course, that may just have made it a Gamecube. Hey, what could possibly be cheaper than something you already own? X-Box 360: The only system to show any decent improvement over its predescessor. A relatively traditional system, it has a decent library of games, but I'm not really interested in most of them. Live has some very cool features, also. Still a bit expensive, but it's worth it. PS3: It's kind of like the PS2, only three times as expensive at nearly no additional benefit. I don't buy consoles so I can brag about the system specs and hope that my pretty Blu Ray Player has a use some day. Honestly, as far as I'm concerned, it may as well play UMDs. They serve pretty much the same purpose. They keep liquid from your drink from reaching the surface below.