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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. The first RTS I really played was Command and Conquer. I was amazed back then, and continued to be impressed all the way up to Generals, where I feel the series fell short. The multiplayer aspects were sorely lacking in balance, and from what I could tell, the single player game was missing the cutscenes and storyline the series had been known for. I look forward to playing this game at the coming Lan.
  2. Wii: The Wiimote is a pile of crap. It's too difficult to control, it used to randomly snap off and break things, and the innovation it offers involves a bunch of sorry excuses for a minigame. At the same time, it's pretty well priced, and it has some decent games on it. Too many games are going to fall back on the annoying gimmick of pointing your wiimote at the screen or flailing it around like a sword, though. It would have been a better system if the ditched all the innovative motion sensing for a normal controller. Of course, that may just have made it a Gamecube. Hey, what could possibly be cheaper than something you already own? X-Box 360: The only system to show any decent improvement over its predescessor. A relatively traditional system, it has a decent library of games, but I'm not really interested in most of them. Live has some very cool features, also. Still a bit expensive, but it's worth it. PS3: It's kind of like the PS2, only three times as expensive at nearly no additional benefit. I don't buy consoles so I can brag about the system specs and hope that my pretty Blu Ray Player has a use some day. Honestly, as far as I'm concerned, it may as well play UMDs. They serve pretty much the same purpose. They keep liquid from your drink from reaching the surface below.
  3. It's all a matter of perpective. I don't personally think forums and chat programs feel like reality. Just a tool I use to communicate.
  4. Adblock Plus and Flashgot, though I haven't actually used Flashgot in ages.
  5. It feels as though it's slowed down considerably. Might just be Golden Torrent Weekend taking up all my bandwidth, though.
  6. Resident Evil 2 - Didn't boot Space Channel 5 - Accelerated graphics outrun the 2d backgrounds and the sound. Seaman - Appeared to work, but didn't know how to use a microphone. Samba de Amgio - Appeared to work, but no matter how many Best Buy employees I threated, they wouldn't sell me a pair of USB maracas.
  7. Tried Time Stalkers, but no text showed up in dialog boxes and the video ran at an increased speed and left the sound lagging. Also, Power Stone 2 worked fine for me. Going down my list... Army Men Sarge's Heroes didn't display menus Looney Tunes Space Race worked, though it ran a bit slow. Omicron something or other only showed the left half of the screen.
  8. I only vaguely remember it because I wasn't an active poster. Can I get a recap?
  9. I thought this game was gonna suck before, but it looks a lot better now than I thought. I might give it a try once I get a Wii.
  10. I know a bunch of Australians from WoW and everyone of them thinks Fosters is crap.
  11. Is is unfortunate that this pattern will not continue. Even their games aren't selling so well any more.
  12. The Sony Playstation. I used to think everything about the games on that system were amazing. One time it broke, and someone suggested that I get the new Nintendo 64, but I was like psh, screw that, I'm gonna get a new Playstation. My how things have changed.
  13. 1.92GHz Processer, 1GB of ram, Radeon X800 GTO video. Update: It started slightly working. Not sure exactly what I changed, but I can reach the basic PS2 menus. I'll tinker a bit more and see if I can't get something running.
  14. Yes it does, and yes I have. One crashes slightly differently, but in the end, it still crashes.
  15. I don't really get it. I try loading up PCSX2, but every time I try to run anything, the program closes. I've tried BIOSes from a few different sources, and finally from my friend, who got it running a bit before (though DMC wasn't compatible so he lost interest), but it's just not working. Any ideas?
  16. So if I bumped this now, it would be considered "evil" right? Just so we're clear on this.
  17. o_O' anything greasy with an extra side of fat Do I need to link you to the post with the 250 pound seven year old?
  18. Big ol' plate of crab, with some mashed potatoes, and a lemonade.
  19. Gave up on trying to enjoy Metal Saga, decided to play Stella Deus. That didn't go well either. *sigh* Next!
  20. It actually kind of reminded me of DBZ this episode, only a lot faster. Like with the dude Abarai was fighting, people kept jumping in and fighting, but instead of each fight being a lot of yelling and flexing and spanning three episodes, they all lost in about a minute. Either way, the episode did seem off a bit, but I bet if you came back later and watched them all in a row it would be really smooth. That twist on the end was very shounen like, I think I'll enjoy the next episode.
  21. Metal Saga. An RPG where you drive around in a tank. It unfortunately lacks any depth to it's gameplay and is devoid of nearly any story or plot. I was so looking forward to using a tank in an RPG, too.
  22. Normally I shy away from spicy foods. Too often they're just painful tasteless versions of normal food. Every once in a while though, I'll find something that whose taste is worth the pain.
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