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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. I third that motion. Alice is truly a trippy game.
  2. Jumping Flash 2, and Space Channel 5!
  3. Yeah, right, a conspiracy? I'm sure it'll turn out just like that lame "wi-fi" thing they thought the DS would have. Buncha retards...
  4. <3 Turn based strategy. Real time strategy never seems to take much strategy when I look at it, I still manage to lose though, so I must be doing something wrong.
  5. If you had purchased the collector's edition, you would've gotten one of those nice box things that had space to put the second Digital Devil Saga case in. I need to pick up the second one, yet. I just beat Advance Wars DS and unlocked Von Bolt, I'm still playing World of Warcraft, and I've got a little Disgaea going on the side.
  6. Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about. We need more fighting games involving perverted photography.
  7. I bet Bill Gates wouldn't spend squat on that, because it's a Microsoft product. But I probobly shouldn't be so picky about the details. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=28204 My bad.
  8. that the only ones that are trustworthy are local news programs <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wtf? Those aren't trustworthy. The only trustworthy news programs are owned by radio pirates. And those have been on the down side recently.
  9. Dude, you can't beat Gitaroo Man. It's been proven that Master Stage 7 is impossible. Air friction alone prevents you from moving fast enough, god forbid we factor in all the other...factors.
  10. I bet Bill Gates wouldn't spend squat on that, because it's a Microsoft product. But I probobly shouldn't be so picky about the details.
  11. Never heard of it. Is it anything like Gitaroo Man? That game was fun.
  12. With stupid hair and bad taste in fashion and music. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep, that about covers it.
  13. They did raise the unit cap to 100, if it maks a difference.
  14. Yeah, that simple series thing is pretty fun if I know what you're talking about.
  15. There are plenty of good games these days, too. People complain too much. Just to my right is a plethora of good games, at least twenty (okay maybe not a plethora), and there are many games I don't have that are just as good. Go back to the the Super Nintendo, play Captain Novolin, and then tell me games were better back then.
  16. I agree with K that a Hardcore Gamer doesn't discriminate. I'll play nearly any game I can get my hands on, good, bad, or otherwise. There are many instances where I buy a game and wish I had bought a better one, but at least I can warn other people. The latest bad game I bought was Cubivore. It's a rare game to find these days, and it looked cool two years ago. But it's so shallow and short that I can't reccomend the purchase. As if you'll find it anyway.
  17. There are few big plots, but there are some, like the Silithid invasion. There are many smaller plots, that usually get wrapped up repeatedly by the players.
  18. Actually, no, I thought the thing was almost done.
  19. The overall setup of the controller is okay, but I think they should conform to the hand a bit more.
  20. It wouldn't work. You can always get around protection, even if it requires power tools.
  21. Dragon Quest Eight ditched the class system and classic graphics. The graphics I can deal with, but they classes? How can Dragon Quest do that to me?! But try Disgaea and Makai Kingdom, those are good games.
  22. Old news. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...hl=thanksgiving Use the search feature people!
  23. It's like a sign from Magog. I'm actually looking for most of the stuff on the site. I don't have the money for it right now, but expect a nice big purchase around Christmas.
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