I thought it was a good movie, better than the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory by far. The original movie was the one with the different story, not this movie. This movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, is based on the book with the same name. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, the bad mutilization of the book with a similar, but ultimately different, story, seems to be what you're comparing the movie to. The original movie removed Charlie's innocence with the despicable Soda scene, nearly insulting the book. This movie has a bit more Wonka backstory, with an elongated ending that provides more story to the story. Many concepts have been modernized, such as Mike Teevee's character, or the Oompa Loomba's musical numbers (now covering five different musical genres). It's otherwise identical to the book. There was nothing disturbing about Depp's outfit, it looks exactly like Wonka is meant to look, and not like Michael Jackson at all. There are plenty of new movies coming out, so I'm lost at where you got that argument. Name all the remakes that have come out this year, and then name all the movies that aren't remakes, then see which list is longer. Besides, remakes let younger people see good movies in a format they'll understand more, and older people see some of their favorites in a new light, so I don't see anything wrong with them. And of course people have new ideas, if they didn't the remakes would be identical to the original movies.