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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. A new Smash Tv game, that'd be sweet. I'm just makin' up crap that I want now. It'd be online and for the PC. Gah, I feel like I need to become a programmer now.
  2. Hey, I'm just glad that old games are gonna be reaching younger people. I hope it works.
  3. I can't wait. I remember finding it in class once and reading the first chapter or so, I wish I had taken it with me now.
  4. There are a few problems with AOL. 1. It exists. 2. People use it. 3. It manages to make money by flooding you with loud annoying ads. That's why you should use Trillian. It's like having the benfits of AIM, without suffering through having AIM. And strangers never IM you. Ever. The only time it happened to me was when I signed up on this one buddy site as a lesbian. Which we won't go in to.
  5. Congratulations. Don't make all the mistakes we tend to complain about when a child does something it shouldn't. Not that I don't have faith in you.
  6. Blasphemers! Heretics! Unbelievers! The Katamari is holy! The Katamari is the one! The Katamari is the way! All hail the King of All Cosmos! http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10212
  7. Shadowrun Online - Never heard of it, makes it hard to get. Splatterhouse 4 - Same as above Shogo 2 - Didn't know there was ever going to be one, but hell yeah I want it.
  8. World of Warcraft. But you knew that one already. I'm also playing Digital Devil Saga. Incredible game! Buy it for support of the series if nothing else. Do note that it's an eastern RPG and some of you don't like those.
  9. I think the 5yo needs to be put in her place. A 5yo has little or no mental capacity whatsoever, and this one leans towards the latter. She got what was coming to her. On a side note, how the hell did this make the news? Cops I can understand, but the news? I'm sick of seeing crap like this on the news rather than something that might be important. But then you can't really expect Americans to put important issues on the news.
  10. "Video Games improve hand-eye coordination and make children into better human beings." What would happen if children didn't play enough video games? Probobly something like this. A lot of people actually blame video games for stuff like this. But if the kids were really playing video games, when did they find time to plot an attack against the school?
  11. I'm not bothered with the merge. Like some above poster said, they're the same anyway. I never found a better deal at one than I did at the other. And with the Mall of America nearby (which used to have two of each store, now it only has one Gamestop) it wasn't hard to look.
  12. I think I saw the first one, but I don't remember it. The name just sounds familiar. What was it about?
  13. I hate CD Players, every one I've ever had always skipped whenever I moved. And if I have a portable music player, I'm moving. A cassette player I wouldn't mind, but I can't write to those, and no one makes cassettes anymore. An MP3 player is so easy to use. It holds more songs, it doesn't skip, a good one has options for repeat and shuffle, I love mine. And I don't have a problem with the headphones, I haven't tried a high class pair, but my 10$ ones deliver sound just the same.
  14. Best line? "Nothing worth stealing".
  15. I enjoy most of the Final Fantasy series. It's not an RPG, but I enjoy it anyway. I mean, Doom isn't an RPG, and I enjoy that, so why wouldn't I like Final Fantasy?
  16. Isn't everything like incompatible with a Mac? Like, literally everything? As in, there isn't even any software for it other than what comes packaged with it?
  17. Can't say that I have. Though I have read "Basic Demonology" by Lucy Furr. She's brilliant I tell you.
  18. It's been said already, but you really do look stoned. You remind me of myself, only taller and more buff and attractive. Well, maybe not more attractive.
  19. Your dad only thought the belt looks like a girl's belt is because he's so sexist, and hasn't yet realized that clothing is not restricted to any one gender. Especially not belts, which have always been without sexual preference. Unless you count those ugly cowboy belts with the buckles the size of a large truck on them, usually depicting a cow being raped. Those definitely belong to your typical old-fashioned, sexist, bigoted, male, all of whom I despise. I think the belt looks good!
  20. What a freakin' dumbass. I can't believe someone didn't know there was a 2 dollar bill. That's almost as bad as someone not knowing about the 7 dollar bill. Rediculous.
  21. I just downloaded Trillian. It's a major improvement! Every messenger in one! The "no substitute" kind of great! AIM without AIM's problems, and a whole lot of extras.
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