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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. I don't think that's the standard grading system... I liked the Anime though, even after it was trans-butchered. So I might pick up this game.
  2. 1. Stare at the wall 2. Get tired 3. Fall into a withdrawl stupor 4. Trip out 5. Rampage
  3. What do you do with it? Get high?
  4. Please do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I second that.
  5. I rate based on a system of 1-5. I posted the details in another of my reviews. I've recommended the rest of you do it because it makes so much more sense, but no one seems to listen...
  6. Platform: ALL Genre: Puzzle Cogenitor Emulators: Still ALL Tetris is the game that started all puzzle games for eternity. It's a simple game that was created on a calculator. It involves tetrads, blocks composed of four smaller blocks. They fall from the sky while you arrange them into a neat stack, trying as best as possible to avoid gaps in the structure. If the smaller sections of the blocks fill a row completely, they dissapear, and you get points. As you complete rows the blocks fall faster. Some sort of Russian dance music is thrown in the back, just for fun. Gameplay: 5+ Sound: 6 Graphics: 4 Control: 5 I don't have to reccomened this game, you've already played it.
  7. I'm with Ago and the like. I don't do anything else, so I can't really stop without suffering withdrawl.
  8. They made a book out of it? Red Alert can only be compared to Red Alert 2. Which is obviously better due to the existance of Yuri.
  9. So it has two racing games, a stealth card game, a real stealth game, and a...and Ape Escape. Looks like crap to me, I dunno. The DS had Mario and Mr. Driller for me, and plays all my old GBA games. It's getting Castlevania, a Zelda game at some point, Advance Wars, probobly some Megaman in there somewhere. Maybe a few cool RPGs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no those aren't al the release titles. those are just the ones that have caught my eye if you look closely at my post there is a link to all the release titles. including thug2, spiderman hot shots golf ect ect ect. kyokugenkiss: that's the way I ended up getting a ps2, I had the money and there was one in the store. before I seen it I wasn't even considering gettting a new game system. impulse buying roxors. heheh <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess it does have some pretty cool titles then. Make your links more ambiguous next time. The price isn't right though. 50$ per game? The DS has 30$ games, much like the GBA before it. I guess the PSP is literally a handheld PS2. I'll get it eventually, but not at those ridiculous prices.
  10. Good acting is now the strangest flaw in a game I've ever known. But I do see your point, the bad acting was funny. "Jill sandwhich"
  11. Thankfully, the SMT series is finally hitting shores here. I've heard it took a while because it seemed so anti-christian.
  12. It's a joke ending. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't give me your excuses...
  13. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about when I mentioned the whole "villagers aren't zombies and there's an ancient plague" part. Oh, that. Right. Well, I've played it now and as it turns out, the game actually... KICKS flockING ASS!!!! Don't expect a review, because I always tell you to and never write them. But keep in mind that I might get around to doing one after I beat it.
  14. I can see robots being very flexible by the 50s. So I say hell yeah robots are gonna kick our ass.
  15. So it has two racing games, a stealth card game, a real stealth game, and a...and Ape Escape. Looks like crap to me, I dunno. The DS had Mario and Mr. Driller for me, and plays all my old GBA games. It's getting Castlevania, a Zelda game at some point, Advance Wars, probobly some Megaman in there somewhere. Maybe a few cool RPGs.
  16. Because I don't care about the free stuff. I reserved it at Gamestop because I work there and get a discount.
  17. There's also always a secret ending involving aliens abducting the main character. I wonder what purpose they serve? Beings of Samael perhaps? Here's the Wikipedia definiation of Silent Hill; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Hill
  18. Both men speak the honest truth. I think I've seen those graphics somewhere before...where was it... Oh, now I remember! The 90s! The score from the movie is way too dramatic for an RTS. The controls seem to warrant a 1 on my scale, going from your description. I think people need to switch over to my scale, it makes more sense. LOTR did NOT introduce Halflings to the world, I refuse to believe that without ample proof. You don't harvest resources? They just arrive magically? That's not right... Only 6 units per side? That's not right. And you go on to say it doesn't even try to be an RTS. Obviously not, I can tell that just by reading the review. By this mans review and general knowledge of gaming I give this game a 1 out of 5. Unless you're a LOTR fanboy, then it's obviously the greatest game ever. Now go kill yourself for enjoying horse crap.
  19. All three Silent Hill's were great. Every RE from the main series (not necessarily the spinoffs) was great. Fatal Frame was great. Clock Tower 1-3 was great. Parasite Eve isn't really a horror game but it still felt like it sometimes for some reason, and the first one was great (The second one was way too short). I never finished the first one. The time I got the Silent Hill games was a time when I was alone. I was too scared to play them most of the time. I might pop it in again now, and actually finish it. And Samael is NOT Satan. He's a completely different angel. Do some research. I suggest Shin Megami Tensei's Nocturne. That's where I get most of my demon info. Also, for all you Americans out there (sorry Ago), Digital Devil Saga (also a SMT game) comes out in February. Get it. Support one of the most kick-ass series alive.
  20. I reserved it a GC and got a free demo cause I kick ass and stuff like that happens to me. It's made a point that the cultists aren't zombies. If you examine the corpse of the first one you kill, it says something akin to "He's not a zombie." So it's my inclination that the cultists are not zombies. I also believe I heard something about a curse in there somewhere.
  21. Gah, PETA. I'll capture them and chain them up near the hippie elves World Tree while I burn it. Stupid hippie elves...
  22. A few things. First, wireless internet is hellspawn. Unless you're a satanist, you WILL find a way to get cable into your home. Second, building a PC isn't that hard. I did it myself, only took a few months. (would've been less if I had been more active in seeking help) Third, yes, AMD is good.
  23. Everyone knows the game that would make the coolest movie ever is Clock Tower. It's perfect for a two hour movie.
  24. http://videos.somethingawful.com/mega64/shenmue.mpg
  25. It's kind of like a book where you have to smash two buttons to turn the pages. I'm not sure what genre that'd be classified under.
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