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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. It's amazing how on top of things you guys are. Everything someone posts is "ancient" to you.
  2. That's a different game. This is an MMO, not and RTS, that occurs 3-4 years after the end of WCIII's expansion.
  3. I wouldn't think it's too hard, really.
  4. Well, the dude was sleeping in a trash can...
  5. No grinding, the majority of your XP will come from quests. Which still normally concern killing specific monsters or collecting certain items, are better than the "Go kill things" mentallity of everything else. You still buy skills, but they aren't expensive or anything... I've had enough money to buy every skill as soon as I reach the proper level, with some left over. The combat system can be described in that way...but something makes it better than the combat system I experienced playing EQ. Or maybe everything else about the game just makes me like it more. I mean, ultimately, it's an MMO, and if you just hate MMOs, this probobly won't change your mind. But if you've ever even thought about playing EQ, then I think you'll enjoy WoW. When I say it's awesome, I mean it's awesome in comparison to other MMOs and RPGs.
  6. flockING OWNS! I love this game. I've been playing it for a couple weeks now, and I'll review it when I take some screenshots, but as of now, just go buy it. The classes are all completely different, the PvP is original, focusing on massive battles rather than duels (though duels are still available). On a PvP server, the faction difference can get pretty intense. I try to rile people up on a regular basis. The crafting is awesome, and limited enough so that crafted items aren't too common. You have to actually interact with other people to get some equipment. Plus, I play, so you can spend time with me. Ghede on the Archimonde server. I'm starting my own guild, the Dark Student Council, and we're gonna go kick some daisy-eating Alliance ass.
  7. I very much so enjoy Marvel comics. Just in other forms. I read some Sonic comics a while back.
  8. State of the world today man... Sad. But not sad enough for me to do anything about it.
  9. The island closest to heaven and the island closest to hell are both "secret" areas. He didn't exactly spoil a whole lot. On a side note...could you pass this game onto me when you're done. *wink*
  10. Screenshots please.
  11. Have You Been Watching National Teasure? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah, now i'm kinda hiding my friend's stuff and writing clues to make my friends find them <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fun. I like Ryuken's idea. Give the world something interesting to do.
  12. There's no real estate left in real life. There's no unowned land anywhere on the Earth. No neutral territory, no safe havens, no personal belonging at all. Three places left for people ot explore. Space, the Ocean, and Virtual Reality. Space and the Ocean costs craploads of money. People don't have that money. Virtual Reality is comparatively free. I don't see why someone shouldn't purchase such an island. It's one of my dreams that reality and virtual reality one day mesh, the distinction between them being all but eradicated. The possiblities of the human body finally reached by eluding the justice system of physics.
  13. AIDS originated in Africa didn't it? When men were flocking monkeys or something? I heard something like that during a debate on homosexuality. I don't know how we can expect to stop it. We can't just pay people with it to not have sex anymore, it wouldn't work. Aids can't be detected immediately, not for some time iirc.
  14. See? I'm not the only one! No, seriously now, I'm in my second year of Japanese, and it's pretty kick ass. I think I'm failing though. And Japanese is far easier than english. An English word often has at least two meanings, and I've seen up to 6 completely different meanings for a word before. This is due to the over-occurence of slang. After a while, the uneducated American masses forget a words meaning, but use it anyway, and it eventually takes on another meaning entirely. I remember the "revelation" that biatch actually meant "female dog" back in 6th grade. People sling biatch at each other, only to be countered by something akin to "So I'm a female dog?" ... Yes, godamnit. You are. Do you not find that insulting? You're a flocking mongrel of the opposite sex whose only goal in life is to give birth and you don't think that's offensive? It used to be offensive! What happened?!
  15. Those are all shooters though. I started playing the various "craft" games again. Some with friends, some without. Then I picked up World of Warcraft. It takes a hella long time to install and download the patches and whatnot. I'll keep you posted on the installation progress. Maybe I'll get to play it this weekend.
  16. You can get through it ini under an hour on a speed run. It was pretty awesome watching it actually, I'll post it or something once I acquire it.
  17. Good, it hasn't been implemented in Minnesota yet. I have a short time to get my license, I take the test in two weeks... Can I make it?
  18. They're Neo-Nazis. A few small things have to change.
  19. And there you have it. Proof of their Nazi ways. Whatever will become of our society...
  20. He hasn't gotten it yet, it's being mailed.
  21. Cheerleaders. Those flockers, they're all Nazis. Y'know that cheer thing they do, with their hands? The one that looks like a FRAGGIN HITLER SALUTE! Pics soon. - Ian Holmes
  22. Welcome to the dark side of the internet...Ninja X. May your posting commence.
  23. Haha, K'Dash got it handed to him for dissing the better handheld. This boggles my mind. 15 to 3 on this topic. We need a picture thread so I can see your faces when you're all dissapointed.
  24. What the crap? This sucks! ESPN Football is way better. And cheaper. This pisses me off. Down with EA!
  25. It it happens to every rechargable battery. Think about that when purchasing a PSP. You'll have to charge it more often, which will make the already short battery life plummet. Unless I'm mistaken and the PSP runs on normal batteries. In which case you'll have to shell out huge sums of money for batteries.
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