The DS is no bigger than a GBA. The PSP is even smaller than that. And what's wrong with the stylus? The PSP works as a small vid player on the go, even though it won't last long enough to watch you movie. Plus has games that are *apparently* better than those on the DS. I wouldn't know, I've never heard of any games on the PSP. I've heard it plays MP3s as well. The DS supports staple titles like Mario, Sonic, Metroid, Pokemon and such, plus a few other awesome ones, like Mr. Driller, and Advance Wars DS (Which should really be called DS Wars). It'll also soon be sporting some Final Fantasy. The Dual Screen allows for more options, and looks fine to me. Metroid DS is pretty odd, aiming with a stylus doesn't quite work out, they should've left Metroid 2D if you don't have two joysticks. But what about Wario Ware? Imagine how great the stylus would be for that. And the second screen can always be used simply as a second screen, not every game uses the stylus anyway. What've you got against handhelds?