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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Yeah, you could tell it wsan't real. Bt it's still pretty wrong. You could really tell it was fake when they started giving you variations of the story and ended it with "legend".
  2. Come now, you should never logically "build a bunch of the good ones and charge". Most people do that, but they're all newbs.
  3. I wish I restarted life every time I died, as another human, and retained my memories. But oh well. I don't know what's going on anymore, screw it all.
  4. This is awesome. I hope this evolves into more powerful technology. I'm seeing Shadowrun style datajacks in the future! (Far future?)
  5. I entirely showed this to him. I love it so much it's awesome.
  6. I knew it wasn't true because otherwise I would have heard about it sooner. I'd heard that they were going to at one point though. And I'd love to see it happen.
  7. That's a lot better than what I expected it to be. But it was still pretty damn retarded. Katamari Damacy was in the Most Addictive, and (surprisingly) Best Soundtrack categories. Now, it may have gotten my vote for GotY had it been in there.
  8. I heard about the Salvation Army thing. Any idea why retail stores suddenly started hating charity?
  9. He is? Really? That's kind of lame... How else are you to avoid the car?
  10. I used to speed read. I was like, a top reader. Always getting ahead of everyone. I'm still ahead of everyone, only now it's because they're slow and not because I'm fast. I just stopped caring after a while, I moved on to things more challenging and fulfilling than reading fast.
  11. Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday, iirc. Also, Jesus was born in the fall, not winter. Though I see your point. Christmas isn't really religious anymore anyway. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> when was christmas a pagan holiday? anyways every christian knows that jesus wasnt born in on december 25th... the fact is we have no idea. So we just picked a day in the middle of the winter to make people celebrate his birth even though it wasnt his birth day but just a day out of the year to celebrate it anyways. Also how can u say its not a religious holiday anymore when most people go to church on christmas then anyother day... haha kinda funny how people can be... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not religous anymore because so many non-religous people celebrate it. And most people really do think Jesus was born on December 15th. Why else would the shows depicting his birth be filled with snow? And don't quote me on the Pagan holiday thing, but I heard it somewhere. Edit: I guess G just covered the whole Pagan thing. And Santy Claws is something to fear. I mean, he knows when you're sleeping and awake? Wtf? Talk about invasion of privacy. Santa Claus is just something parents use to keep kids under control during the holidays.
  12. I still pulse, but I stopped typing in a few things. And holy crap G you pwn all of us. I also was offline for four days, and the typing I managed to do in the next few days was lost due to my router becoming homosexual.
  13. Ewwwww. I don't really like mexican food though, it all looks nasty in my eyes.
  14. 272 wpm. 100% comprehension. Hey, it's above average. You guys are seriously incredible though. I bet what it was is you actually tried speed reading rather than reading at your normal pace like it said.
  15. The thing is, rich and politically-connected people have always controlled the country. It's just that they had to come up with an entire government. And I'd be interested in reading more similarities. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's this whole thread goin' on that I can't post right now cause it's blocked here, and the thread has pretty much turned into a Bush sucks flame war. I'll toss it up here later anyway. It's on a Pokemon forum, but there's a Misc/debate subforum. It's at serebii.net if you just want to search for it.
  16. I never did understand why people did that. Though I'd probobly do it myself given the same situation. I guess if you apply some mock sign language to it you're sort of teaching them English.
  17. Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday, iirc. Also, Jesus was born in the fall, not winter. Though I see your point. Christmas isn't really religious anymore anyway.
  18. Well this vaccine is derived from each person's dendritic cells so that should prevent that. The way they work (this is a basic explanation since I haven't taken immunology yet) is that these dendritic cells check for pathogens and when they find one they mature and then help activate T-cells by feeding them the antigen (a molecule that immune cells respond to) that is derived from the pathogen they attached too. This is how diseases new to your body are targetted and killed. In this case, the dendritic cells taken from the patients are introduced to killed HIV virus which also taken from the patients and that creates an antigen to tell whatever T-cells are left to destroy the HIV. Curiously, the way HIV causes disease is by infecting a particular dendritic cell which then go to the lymph nodes (which is very important for the immune system) and from there they attack helper T cells. I hope that didn't bore you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still no hope for those who've already lost their T cells then...bummer...
  19. But only because America speaks it. It won't be an immediate change, but the change will happen.
  20. y don't u all meet in one of your family's house every year <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ha! That's a joke. We'd kill each other is why. I don't think we even know of a house big enough to comfortably hold my family. And if I'm to spend any time with my non-immediate family, I have to leave Minnesota and go down to Hicksville, Kansas.
  21. Somehow I think that without America, English will be a less required language. French, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, plenty of other languages become instantly more important after America's gone. Seriously, what companies are British? Anyone know?
  22. After a while, wouldn't the virus build immunity to the vaccine? Or would that be prevented by the fact that it's developed from an individual's cells?
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