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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Battle Hunter OST - '80's Memory
  2. I hate traveling and being dragged around by my parents to meet different sets of reletives. I was hoping we weren't going to do that this year, but we might anyway. And we've been planning not to since LAST Christmas!
  3. My World History class has been studying Rome, or more specifically, the similarities between Rome and America, and we're starting to gain some of the same characteristics as pre-destruction Rome. 1. The lack of the things we say we stand for. 2. Violent sports to keep the masses from criticizing the government. 3. A government ruled by the rich, rather than those with good ideas. And that's not all either, there're a lot of similarities. What do the rest of you think?
  4. Riiiiight. Well, we're losing users...
  5. Mazedude - Super Mario Kart - Trippin on Rainbows OCRemix
  6. Halo 2 was good, better than one, but still not deserving of a 9.8...
  7. I dunno, but I want some.
  8. We Three Kings ... By Spinal Tap
  9. Fatal always get pu$$y.
  10. I had a multitude of problems trying to get this one to work. But now it works and it owns all other computers! Even hardware intesive games like Black & White run beautifully on it. Thanks for all the help I got from you guys along the way.
  11. I had Jack, my personal IT pro, come take a look at it. Turns out my old speakers fried the audio jack, so I have to use secondary audio now. He says there's an echo, as if I'm in a metal room, but it sounds fine to me. Thanks for your help. Regardless of whether it was relevent or not.
  12. Oops, forgot about this after my router permanently screwed over my old computer. It's working on the new one (YES!), but I must continue to push for cable.
  13. Nope, that's clear, I checked that before. I'm so seriously stumped on this audio problem. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with...anything.
  14. Well, all right, back up, where's the software mixer? I checked everything in the audio device section of the control panel and, of course, the master volume controls.
  15. Katamari on the Rocks
  16. Nothing. At least I have an internet connection now.
  17. Nope. I checked all the volume settings, physical and logical.
  18. Alright, computer running again. Everything's fine...except I still have no sound. I've got them plugged in in the correct places, I've got a driver installed... The speakers themselves are plug and play, they're new, they work with my iRiver, but I get no PC sound. I long await a llama whippin' intro...
  19. Sonic 2 - Chemical Juice - OCRemix
  20. I wouldn't say the world would collapse, but it'd take a serious hit.
  21. Nice-lookin'... FPS I tend to pass up unless it's a big title, like this, so I'll probobly pick it up, or at least play it, eventually.
  22. Assellus IS God, I agree. And upon playing it again, Unlimited SaGa isn't really that bad. But it's still weird... And it has that reel system, which is weird.
  23. Put that IRC link back on the site. I miss it... I don't know how to connect anymore.
  24. I'm with SlickDizzy on this one. Or maybe Fatal. Hands down, I want out of this country. Problem is, so does everyone else. I can see heavy immigration laws being enforced in the near future.
  25. Congratulations on being born. Happy birthday.
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