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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Jesus Christ dudes, it's just Halo 2. Wait til tommorrow night...
  2. Yeah man. The Yin and the Yang.
  3. Yes, that's correct. I need to pick that game up ASAP. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Damn right you do. I love Gradius. Point to Random. Now a picture of an ORC! A BIG ORC! It has to look really menacing and stuff! Leeeeet's go!
  4. Allllll right! I'm back, after having some net problems. I'll give a point to each of ya. Next up find a good Gradius pic. It needs to have lots of lasers on the screen!
  5. Point to the Ago. Congrats on trying! Picture of the God of Orgies!
  6. Truthfully, I don't blame the dude.
  7. Unless your a fighter fan-boy who needs not only blocks, but counter blocks, and counter counter blocks, and counters for the counter counter blocks, and air block cancel counters, and counter counter block cancel mega combo ultra bonuses. And whatever else you crack heads use. Then yes, this game rocks.
  8. I hope Kerry wins. I never was one for plants.
  9. Alright, BFG goes to Gryph. No one ever tries! Next a photo of the "thread of fate".
  10. That game is total crap! Never play it, ever!
  11. My Mute Computer - A Dull and Utter Silence
  12. I don't know what that means. And I went to driverguide, it was on crack and crappy. I found it, but then I had to register, and after you register they decide to take away the simple list of drivers that they have! Flog them!
  13. Alright, that didn't work. The nVidia driver that came with the Mobo doesn't appear to be compatible with my speakers or something. Very annoying. So I still need that from somewhere if someone would be kind enough to help.
  14. Looking at my old comp, I see the Intel thing listed. But if these things come on my Mobo CD then I'll try using that.
  15. Guess no one likes that idea. I'll find one eventually. Might help if I had a picture... I need the most kick-ass pic of a BFG that you'll ever find. It has to be GIGANTIC, and capable of leveling an entire continent with it's power!
  16. Poor Europeans, always getting shafted... I downloaded the first SMT game last night, but my controller stopped working, and then I got sidetracked, and I'm still sidetracked, so it might not be played for a bit.
  17. I finally "acquired" Windows for my comp. Only took 3 months. Now I'm trying to import some hardware from my old one, but I can't find the driver for my speakers. I'm pretty sure I need Intel 82801AA AC'97 Audio Controller to run it. Know where I can find one? I tried going to the Intel site but it's addicted to flocking crack so I can't do anything there.
  18. You and Diso.....lol....I have more top scores than you and Diso combined times 2!! Just give me my on high score table.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can't prove that though, because we don't have a table for it.
  19. Get Advance Wars 2 and the GBA player attachment.
  20. Anyone ever heard of this series? It's supposedly a Japanese-exclusive series where you communicate and summon demons via computer. The demons are all creatures from the mythology of the world, so it sounds pretty cool. An American release of Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne is what sparked the question. I just picked up the game and it ROCKS! SO I wanted to know more about the series.
  21. No one else ever tries...I gave them like...a day. Oh well. Point to The Klaw! Now, find someone who'll buy a green van from 1998 for $1800 dollars!
  22. There should be another high score table. For the people with the most championships. So me and Diso could just completely dominate everyone.
  23. The answer I want to give you is: Get broadband and pirate an antivirus program. But I'm not seeing that as an option for you...so...yeah, try to make back-up disks of as much stuff as possible.
  24. That's sexy. I want one.
  25. This makes it look like a formal attack though. And even if they just asked nicely I'd look at 'em a little strange...
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