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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. I'm preeeety sure that's wrong...but we need the biology expert on this one.
  2. My bathroom is being overrun by insects and crap. I left a couple spiders in there cause I thought they'd be killing stuff, but they haven't even moved in a week. All I get are assorted things hanging from the ceiling. I'm afraid to use my bathroom right now. Help?
  3. Ok, yeah, thanks guys. I fell asleep and missed 6 pages. Great stuff though, great stuff. One question to Gryph, The earth began as barren rock right? Where did life come from, knowing that?
  4. You can't deny the fact that Maddox is arrogant, hateful, and prejudice. But that doesn't mean he should be banned from the web. Stupid parental flocktards.
  5. Don't forget...what was it...the Man Game? God, that looks lame.
  6. and how many christians are there in this Earth that we are living in??.... A crapload. And read my earlier post for things to defend yourself from. EDIT: Please do, and I'm not flaming you.
  7. Stuff. Something is just an XBOX...and some popular game is getting emulated by someone for something...just stuff.
  8. That's the proverb of Job. It's in the bible (or is it the torah?) But if God had that kind of hands-on action back then, why isn't he flooding the whole planet now! Lord knows there's enough violence and hate to piss off the Big Man, if he got so annoyed back then before we had nukes and chemical weapons, and the leader of the free world was torturing people in less fortunate countries..etc... Remember those weaknesses? If humans as a group worked together, I'm sure we could figure out what they are. He's scared is what it is, he's still hoping people will come to trust him so the world can live in peace and worship him. There are many flaws in christianity, I don't know what they are, and I will not point them out. For a prime example of humans overcoming god's tyranny, go play Xenogears. We humans constructed giant mechanized armor to battle god, and we won. God is not of unlimited power as he says he is. "If god can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy that it cannot be lifted?"
  9. He's also lazy. Defend yourself! Why do you say he's lazy? Need the info...
  10. I don't know what I believe really, I'm taking this chance to view all the facts. I know one thing, I was raised as a christian. My whole family is christian. "Those who do not learn from the past, are condemned to repeat it." So I applied history to the bible. I came up with this... First off, God is an idiot. One reason. The two trees. He creates them, and then doesn't let humans eat from them. Why? Who knows?! No one knows! He's an idiot! Why create them if they serve no purpose!? One must now assume they have a purpose. But it's not for the human's purpose, because we can't eat them. So who are they for? God? The flock... Speaking of flock, we're often referred to as sheep. He is the sheperd and we are his sheep. I ain't anyone's livestock, screw that. The fact that he DIDN'T want us to eat from them, proves that he created us out of want. He wanted mindless worshippers to follow him around and do as he said. He has weaknesses that we don't know about, and he didn't want anyone else with knowledge and/or immortality. God is a tyrant. By definition, he is a tyrant. No one else makes decisions on anything. According to christianity, we're not even supposed to. We're supposed to let him control every aspect of our lives. This supports the mindless slaves theory. Remember Lucifer? Banished from "Heaven" for opposing god. Horrible. Remember what happened when humans started to oppose god? He killed them all! He flooded the earth! Stalin, Hitler, they killed their fair share of people. But god? He ended humanity altogether! Only one family survived! Tyrant! I saw something on South Park, thus partially negating it's relevence, where god killed off a man's family and livestock, destroyed his possesions, and gave him horrible sores across his entire body. Why? To prove to Lucifer that the poor guy would still worship him. He tortured a man to win a bet. I can't believe people worship this guy. This ALSO adds to the brainless worshipper section up there. Only an idiot would continue to like someone after he/she destroyed everything in his/her life. (Will continue later, I have other homework. Keep it up guys.)
  11. I'd like to add to this, a few of the concepts behind the game get really annoying. "Robber" enemies, which have an INSANELY high steal% (I've seen 160% before) do NOTHING but take your items and throw them off the map, rendering them useless. They like to do the same thing with your characters. At a certain point, the game just sucks because of this. Skills are primarily item based, so without an item, you have no skills. Due to the fact that your phantoms can get OBed at will, I tried making Marona more offensive. I succeeded, except for the fact that everyone steals your items and throws them off the map. Items also have their own HP, and randomly attempt to block attacks, absorbing some of the damage. I wish I could just opt NOT to do this, as it leads to loss of said item, which leads to loss of entire stage because you can't attack. It's still good if you're lucky. These problems only surface during a few chapters. But I still quit for a couple days when I reach them... Gameplay: 4/10 Graphics: 8/10 Sound: 8/10 Controls: 7/10 Overall: 7/10 Prepare to have your patience tested...
  12. Yeah, back on topic. We have an arcade near hear, but no one really uses it. I hope it stays here...
  13. Heh, I'm supposed to defend my own viewpoint. I hoped that by making everyone else defend their viewpoint, they'd go find a bunch of material, saving me time. But don't let that stop you.
  14. Debate, flame, defend your viewpoints! I know we have at least one Christian on here. And hurry up, this project is due in a week...
  15. What's wrong with the dark? "Join the dark side..."
  16. And over populated and have wings that don't want foriengers to enter. This sounds just like the America I live in.... Granted, there are a few tracts of unpopulated land in the states, but most of it isn't anyplace anyone would ever want to live. Mostly we just put our native americans there. Sounds about right. If I can read the future correctly, native americans will be the first to learn how to control the upcoming mana surge. They use their newfound magical prowess to launch an attack against America, they succeed in taking back a good portion of it before we call a truce.
  17. Damn, I missed it. Tell me if you find out it's going to be on again.
  18. The only good cars are 1. Gremlin 2. Delorian
  19. Is it just me, or has Square-Enix sucked since it began? The companies were better off alone.
  20. Didn't World of Heroes have a football player in it? What's up with that?
  21. I'm not stopping, but I'm leaving America in an attempt to escape such things. I just need my license...and shooom, gone. Make a livin' sellin' mushrooms.
  22. The thing about it is, it DOES make me sound like those exact retards.
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