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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Fix your image! Hooha!
  2. What's all this now? And yes, it's all our fault. I hate being blamed for stuff like this, that's why I'm leaving America. I also want to go somewhere else before we're nuked.
  3. It's true! It's all true. Every word of it. Kudos to Michael Moore.
  4. Well it's only 50-60$ right? That's about the price of a normal game, why not get the limited edition and score a Terry cap?
  5. Depends on what I'm looking for. If I want 1 game, I'll find it. Sometimes I'll go and download a romset just because I'm bored.
  6. Is there a point to the electoral college? I always thought it was a lame way to choose our prez.
  7. The death of 2D fighting will be a sad day indeed... I'm assuming though, that if enough people want one, they'll take it upon themselves to make a good 2D fighting game, in an attempt to revive the market.
  8. I live in Minnesota, which is pretty close to Michigan (I think). But yeah, that sounds about right.
  9. Wait, what? What is that? Bob has boobs. Plain and simple.
  10. I think the problem is, you're using windows. I don't have a solution to this problem, yet. But knowing the problem is the first step to solving it.
  11. Wow, my class won't find me a job, though I can go to some sort of convention where people scout for workers. And the people in my school are stupid, too. They can't even trace a flockin' cube! They're given a sheet of...dot matrix paper or something, and they just have to draw lines between some of the dots to make a cube, and they couldn't do it! The first problem: They're all on drugs, every one of them. Even the smart people are on drugs. This whole town is like a big marijuana...there's a lot of marijuana in it. Other drugs are easy enough to get, but I could comb the school right now for 5-10 pounds of it.
  12. "Clock" That's all it's called. It's supposed to be from Clock Tower, and for the most part is.
  13. If we keep the Request forum up, the whole site is doomed anyway. The best thing we could hope for is a plaque. Pirating is a dangerous business, due to the stupid American government. But then, it is, in a form, stealing...
  14. Also because the Chechen rebels are primarily Muslims. And the "Can't win War on Terrorism" meant that there would never be a formal treaty to end it. I must admit he did use a poor choice of words (again) and I'm sure his staff was scrammbling to fix it as soon as possible. The only way to win the war on terrorism is to kill ALL terrorists and destroy ALL relgious fanatacism which I might say is an impossible task. Quite true. Even Christians are fanatical sometimes. We should just live by the 70s favourite motto "Make love, not war!" (And Fatal, dun post the picture of Bush f**king Saddam, ok?) Might just be me, but that sounds like it would lead to a large increase in the spread of stds. Again.
  15. Wait, what? The Dark Student Council? That sounds fun... I'm gonna get some other students to run for the "other" student council with me. And that studio sounds cool, I can understand spending large sums of money on a strange production building.
  16. Pokemon! Not, technically underrated, but still looked down upon by most people. It's a good game, play it. What about overrated games? Like Final Fatasy Tactics Advance, that game sucked ass...I can't tell you how bad it was in words. I'd have to make you feel it with a series of brutal cruel punishments.
  17. And then, Bush is a moron, and I automatically assume everything he says to be false. But he's right.
  18. You watch too much Star Wars You're not the first person to say that... Truthfully though, I don't watch it much at all.
  19. I hate to say it, but try looking at it from the terrorists point of view.
  20. I was against that until I started reading about orbiting lasers. Bush it is! Okay, no, orbiting lasers would not make me vote for Bush. But they're really tempting. I only hope a future president both wants to militarize space, AND speaks English.
  21. You know a lot about American politics for being from Australia.
  22. http://www.cybermoonstudios.com/8bitDandD.html I loved this. Watch it, post your thoughts.
  23. Yeah, I heard about this. I didn't watch much of it, but I heard about it. ... And that's all I really have to say.
  24. Darn, a cover up...I didn't think anyone noti-I mean...I didn't do anything...
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